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Rudi created new topic Survey export.
October 5 at 2:38 pm
Hi there, I have updated to the latest version of Community Surveys plugin this afternoon. Much to my disappointment I found that my surveys are not there anymore. I had to roll back my site and to the previous version of the plugin in order to see my survey again. Is there a way to export my survey from the previous version before I updated so that I can import it into the new version as soon as i update again?? Or am I going to have to create the surveys from the start again? I have clicked around but can not find any export functionality. Thanks Rudi -
Rudi created new topic Community feedback email.
September 29 at 8:57 am
Good day, I am having difficulty getting the notification emails to display. At first the defaut functionality is to send responses/feedback as an embeded PDF. All I would like to do is disable the pdf and the email needs to come through as a normal test email with the results of the survey. Please advise Thanks Rudi -
Rudi replied to the topic Community Surveys plugin blank white pages.
September 22 at 12:16 pm
Nevermind, I figured it out! :) Thanks Rudi -
Rudi created new topic Community Surveys plugin blank white pages.
September 22 at 12:00 pm
Good day, I have JUST purchased the Community Surveys plugin (the $65 version), I have uploaded and installed it and straight away it doesn't work. It says the install was a success, but when you go into the back end and click on dashboard or surveys it just displays a blank white page. the only item that seems to work fine is categories. Please can you advise what might be causing this problem. Thanks Rudi
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