Alex Rees
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Alex Rees replied to the topic Vote button not working.
January 27 at 8:57 am
Thanks, that solved the problem. Not sure why it would happen on a clean Joomla install though? Also happened on two other sites that I tested it on. -
Alex Rees created new topic Vote button not working.
January 26 at 12:12 pm
I am getting an infinitely spinning icon on when I click the vote now button: I've tried using the Beez template but still get the problem. The site has community builder installed as well as several other plugins. -
Alex Rees created new topic Presales: multi selection radio button polls.
January 21 at 4:29 pm
I just created this poll on the demo site: No matter what I do, it always displays the following error on submission: Please select minimum 1 answer(s) and maximum 1 answer(s). Is this a bug?
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