Michael green
Michael green created new topic Poll video?.
October 4 at 8:39 am
Hello. Poll video not working on your demo or on my website when i unstall...space on answer as if video was there but no video...is there a way to fix this? -
Michael green created new topic Audio/support for polling.
December 14 at 12:32 am
Hello, before i purchased community polls in the begenning of november i had asked if there was a way to insert audio/video into the answers. And you replied that it was already being developed and will be ready for the next release in the begenning to mid december but no later. Will this feature still be implemented soon? Tnx -
Michael green replied to the topic polls category module not showing.
December 13 at 12:13 am
Im sorry, i forgot to mentiom what my actual problem is. The module shows up because the module title is present but it does not display any content. Even if i select the root category as well as the category i created that has several public polls inside of it. Ive also set the debug feature on to see if it repoŕed any errors which it did not. Thanks again -
Michael green created new topic polls category module not showing.
December 11 at 11:39 pm
hello, having an issue with the polls category module...i have a category set and all of the polls inside of the category that the module is set to display are set to public. So far everything else is working fine. the other poll modules are working...the component is working well so im assuming either im overlooking something or there is a minor bug in the modules code. any ideas? thanks -
Michael green replied to the topic EasySocial integration with community poll.
December 8 at 5:18 am
sent thanks..can you please forward any informaitons to update so that i can resolve myself if possible. i am trying to become more familiar with corejoomla extensions as well as easysocial as well. thanks again -
Michael green replied to the topic EasySocial integration with community poll.
December 8 at 4:35 am
Hey. so i just installed the latest plugin you added and there is no error code but still it only says...user crearted a poll.. it does not display a poll nor does it link to a poll. any ideas if i am overlooking something or is something wrong? thanks -
Michael green replied to the topic EasySocial integration with community poll.
December 8 at 4:28 am
hey thanks for following up on this. i just installed the file i downloaded this earlier and it was still not posting anything...i am downloading it now and will get right back to you...thanks again -
Michael green replied to the topic EasySocial integration with community poll.
December 7 at 8:03 am
hello, thanks for the updating...however.i am on a fresh install of easysocial and corejoomla polls also on a brand new website..these are the only 2 extensions i have installed......i am getting error messages after installing the plugin for poll streaming when its enabled as follows... Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'es_replace_poll_tags', to be a valid callback in/home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/media/com_easysocial/apps/user/poll/poll.php on line 89Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'es_replace_poll_tags', to be a valid callback in/home/xxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/media/com_easysocial/apps/user/poll/poll.php on line 89Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'es_replace_poll_tags', to be a valid callback in/home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/media/com_easysocial/apps/user/poll/poll.php on line 89Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'es_replace_poll_tags', to be a valid callback in/home/sxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/media/com_easysocial/apps/user/poll/poll.php on line 89Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'es_replace_poll_tags', to be a valid callback in/home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/media/com_easysocial/apps/user/poll/poll.php on line 89Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Requires argument 2, 'es_replace_poll_tags', to be a valid callback in/home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/media/com_easysocial/apps/user/poll/poll.php on line 89 any idea whats wrong?... i am on joomla 3.4.5 easysocial installed version: 1.4.5 corejoomla polls Version: 4.3.6 and the corejoomla poll easysocial plugin...Version: 1.0.1 Thanks -
Michael green replied to the topic EasySocial integration with community poll.
November 16 at 9:09 pm
Hello, was there ever a solution to displaying owners polls on profile and not just notifications? I just purchased the entire bundle today because of the poll extension. Thanks