Gerhard Krickl
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Gerhard Krickl created new topic Blog -New Installation Problems.
January 25 at 1:59 pm
Hi, i have installed CJ blog and i am seeing some Problems: 1) Blog1.jpg I see my Blogs there, but when i click on a blog i jump on the start site of my joomla. No Blog visible. Did i do something wrong? 2) blog2.jpg I created a shadow menu for profile. But if i click on account/my profile nothing happens. I see that there is no link in it. What can i do? (opening the shadow menu with the link directly opens the about me page. 3) blog3.jpg when i want to change my avatar the page transfers to somehow black and i cannot change avatar. In cj-blog options/integrations all is set to cjblog (by default) Please assist me :) br Gerhard -
Gerhard Krickl liked the topic Missing further CjBlog documentation....
January 25 at 1:30 pm
Hello, I am trying out CjBlog on a local Joomla! 3.1.5 installation, using standard protostar site template. I am not very happy with the documentation, as it is mostly guesswork to get anything working: 1) First of all, the following is not true: " By default CjBlog installer creates a menu "CjBlog" with all the required menu items " Therefore I created a menu BlogsHiddenMenu, in which I put the items mentioned in this documentation: "Here are the list of menu items and their functions ( Name (alias) - functionality). Categories (categories) - Displays the categories table. Articles (articles) - Displays articles listings including latest, trending and popular articles listings. Bloggers (bloggers) - Displays the list of bloggers - latest and popular Badges (badges) - Displays all available badges by component Points (points) - Displays user points - should be set to registered user access level, not public Blog (blog) - Forms the urls for user blogs Form (form) - Displays front-end article submission form" -- as item types are not defined, I tried the following: Categories item type=CjBlog >CjBlog Categories Layout Articles item type=CjBlog > CjBlog Articles Layout Bloggers item type= CjBlog >CjBlog Users Layout Badges item type=CjBlog >Badges Layout Points item type= CjBlog User Layout -- not sure??? Blog item type=CjBlog > Blog Layout -- not sure??? Form item type=CjBlog > CjBlog Article Form Layout -- to get it going, I added in my Main menu (named Accueil), an item with title Blogs, with item type=CjBlog > CjBlog Users Layout , so it is equivalent to Bloggers above -- as I could not get hold of Profile item otherwise, I added a submenu to Blogs: Blogs>Profile, of item type=CjBlog User Profile Layout (I must be missing something here!). 2) There are a number of problems with this result: 2.1) the CjBlog's implicit horizontal menu (with items Categories, Bloggers, Tags, Discovery>, Account> ) does not mesh correctly with default protostar menus, as can be seen from this captured image (attachment=problem_CjBlog_menu.JPG) 2.2) The Bloggers display lacks links to blogger profiles (same attachment) 2.3) in the Account>My Blog display, there is a Profile link, that does not work: see attachment=problem_userProfileLinks.JPG 2.4) the Account>My profile link does not work, see attachment=problem_Account-menu-item-My Profile.jpg I also compared with the example site (are there by the way any other example sites?), and obviously I got a number of things missing and/or wrong. I wish some standard procedure should be outlined to get everything working correctly. Also, there should be a way to parameterize the CjBlog's implicit horizontal menu, to make it mesh correctly with such standard templates as is protostar.
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