Jeremy Abbott
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Jeremy Abbott replied to the topic GPS tools images.
January 2 at 6:30 pm
Hi Maverick Sorry, I meant a normal photo album that has been created in EasySocial - how would you load it into the track description once you have enabled process content plugins? -
Jeremy Abbott replied to the topic GPS tools images.
January 2 at 1:33 pm
Would this be possible with the native albums module in EasySocial - if so , how would you do that once you enable "process content plugins"? -
Jeremy Abbott replied to the topic EasySocial GPS Tools integration.
November 12 at 4:14 am
Hi Maverick Thank you for the reply - yes, EasySocial is selected as the Activity Stream under Third Party settings in GPS Tools. I'll log a ticket with our admin details for you to take a look. Jeremy -
Jeremy Abbott created new topic EasySocial GPS Tools integration.
November 11 at 8:57 am
Hi I've installed the CoreJoomla GPS tools component, associated modules and plugins - also the GPS Tools EasySocial application and made it a default application - however I'm not seeing it come up for users - either as a default or an option to install. Could you please advise? Regards Jeremy
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