Edis Zunic
Recent activity
Edis Zunic created new topic Facebook Share Button.
December 10 at 12:31 pm
Hi!How can i add the Facebook Share Button to polls?default_extra.php i found this: <?php if(in_array('fblike', $sharing_services)):?> <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a> <?php endif;?> This only shows the Like Button, is it possible to add the Share Button to? Thank you -
Edis Zunic replied to the topic Double "Costumize" Button in Backend.
October 12 at 8:05 am
When will be the next version out? Thank you! -
Edis Zunic created new topic Double "Costumize" Button in Backend.
October 9 at 10:19 am
Why is this button displayed a second time?? can´t change anything in there...Installed the extension on a fresh joomla site and get the same button a second time
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