carrillotoste created new topic "Pleas Wait"....
February 6 at 1:57 am
How i can take off the Please wait messege as im answering the survey... it drives me crazy -
carrillotoste created new topic "Pleas Wait"....
February 6 at 1:56 am
How i can take off the Please wait messege as im answering the survey... it drives me crazy -
piranhapete replied to the topic Turn off rating in Community Quiz.
February 5 at 9:39 pm
The Ratings still show when logged in as user. You can view it at the Puzzle Menu Item in the *** Menu or right-side flyout menu when logged in...thoughts? -
maverick replied to the topic FB comments doesn't work.
February 5 at 4:58 pm
I am not sure if it works, but follow the below steps. Edit components/com_cjlib/framework/functions.php and find below code at line 1490 return ' -
arvish replied to the topic FB comments doesn't work.
February 5 at 3:22 pm
Yes, when I disable the facebook login ( it comes from -
maverick replied to the topic FB comments doesn't work.
February 5 at 9:19 am
Please try disabling the facebook login buttons on that page and see if it solves issue. -
arvish replied to the topic FB comments doesn't work.
February 5 at 9:07 am
Thank you for the quick reply. How can I avoid duplicate facebook sdk... -
maverick replied to the topic FB comments doesn't work.
February 4 at 8:44 pm
There is nothing wrong in code, everything looks good. The issue is because of duplicate facebook sdk loaded on your page by social login plugins. -
arvish created new topic FB comments doesn't work.
February 4 at 6:51 pm
I have a problem - FB comments doesn't show -
piranhapete said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Conditional redirection.
February 4 at 5:19 pm
Yes -
maverick replied to the topic Turn off rating in Community Quiz.
February 4 at 5:01 pm
Already replied to your mail. You are using quiz form module which... -
piranhapete replied to the topic Turn off rating in Community Quiz.
February 4 at 4:57 pm
I sent you the log-in info via Contact Us -
maverick replied to the topic Community Polls FB comment.
February 4 at 1:04 pm
There is no configuration required, all you need is to enable fb comments option. Ofcourse you shall be using latest version of the component. -
kiscompany created new topic Community Polls FB comment.
February 4 at 11:33 am
Hello, I am working on a website, my customer purchased CPolls licence and I am configuring it. I have a problem - FB comments doesn't show -
piranhapete replied to the topic Conditional redirection.
February 3 at 10:31 pm
So I need the ability to restrict users access to next question based on their last answer..coming soon? -
maverick replied to the topic Conditional redirection.
February 3 at 10:23 pm
That should be possible in next version (under development to have correct answer for textbox type questions), however not restrict user from moving to next question. User can... -
piranhapete replied to the topic Conditional redirection.
February 3 at 8:58 pm
OK, PASSWORD aside..if a question is just text input, can I set it so they cant go to the next question until answered correctly?