maverick replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 11:04 am
try to save the content in editor html mode. Usually editors try to correct html formatting automatically in editing mode but will allow any content when saved in html mode. I... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 10:42 am
I have tried that. When I save it, the editor adds it back in. -
maverick replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 10:38 am
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 9:06 am
When (Relative URLs: Yes): <div style="background-color: #e0e0e0; padding: 10px... -
maverick replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 8:57 am
Can you please post the html content of the email template? -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 6:10 am
I did not prefix it with anything. The system did that, because of the editor's configuration of relevant URL. -
maverick replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 6:05 am
QUESTION_URL tag will be replaced with full url, there is no need to prepend it with site url again. -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 5:37 am
maverick replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 22 at 5:27 am
Since the site url is static, I guess you can hardcode it in the email template. Please note that the email templates are provided for you to customize, you can add or remove... -
maverick replied to the topic Email template - adding href .
April 21 at 5:13 pm
You need to change relative urls otherwise your editor will strip the urls. Regarding tags, it is already available: -
bilal.abdeen created new topic Email template - adding href .
April 21 at 3:28 pm
I am trying to add the following line to the bottom of all email templates. As soon as I save the template the first part ( gets deleted, and only the... -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
April 21 at 6:49 am
On my dev website, if you click on the following menu item (without logging in), you will get (403 You are not authorised to view this resource) error. -
maverick replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
April 21 at 3:01 am
I cannot reproduce this issue on demo page, the redirect works fine on demo. Please check. -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic On click "ask question" redirect to login page.
April 20 at 11:32 pm
I have just updated the extension to version 4.5.3. The menu item type (Question Form) still gives an error message if the user is not logged in, rather than redirecting... -
replied to the topic Upgrade to 4.5.3 failed (Update path does not exist).
April 20 at 12:47 pm
Click on the options button on toolbar of that page. -
bilal.abdeen replied to the topic Upgrade to 4.5.3 failed (Update path does not exist).
April 20 at 3:54 am
I am not sure I understand what you are referring to! If you mean (Components -> CjLib API), I can only see cron and email queues... -
maverick replied to the topic Upgrade to 4.5.3 failed (Update path does not exist).
April 20 at 3:39 am
You need to setup your downloadid in CjLib component options. -
bilal.abdeen created new topic Upgrade to 4.5.3 failed (Update path does not exist).
April 20 at 3:23 am
I have just tried to update my dev environment, which is on my localhost. I got the following error message. Please, advise. -
yerg replied to the topic community surveys email when completed.
April 19 at 10:17 pm
Why not use a Forwarding Address that you can create via cPanel or the like? Way simpler than having to add additional code to the component.