- replied to the topic Print button in reports stopped working.
April 28 at 8:04 am
This appears in console on the page .../my-surveys-list?view=report&id=25&layout=consolidated&print=true I cannot give login access as... -
maverick replied to the topic category link on quiz-page have disapeared since last update.
April 28 at 2:13 am
Can you please post the translation available in your language file for below string? COM_COMMUNITYQUIZ_QUIZ_CATEGORY_TEXT -
yorai85 replied to the topic category link on quiz-page have disapeared since last update.
April 28 at 1:16 am
it is already set to Show, but the category isn't showin on the quiz's page - please see screenshots: -
maverick replied to the topic Print button in reports stopped working.
April 27 at 4:12 pm
Where do you see these errors? They looks like JS errors, if yes, the issue might be different. What is the CS version you are using? - replied to the topic Survey Setup - category item view permissions.
April 27 at 3:23 pm
That worked perfectly. Thanks Maverick. - created new topic Print button in reports stopped working.
April 27 at 1:24 pm
Hi,... -
maverick replied to the topic Print button in reports stopped working.
April 27 at 3:11 am
Which extension you are working on? Can you please post your query in right category? -
maverick replied to the topic Survey Setup - category item view permissions.
April 27 at 3:09 am
Categories are hidden if the user do not have create permission. So deny the create permission for the required user groups so that the categories will be hidden to those user... - created new topic Print button in reports stopped working.
April 26 at 3:22 pm
Hi, I have started getting below error when I try to use "Print" button in reports. Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status... - created new topic Survey Setup - category item view permissions.
April 26 at 11:54 am
Hi, Under "Create a Survey">Survey Setup at Categories, is it possible to hide categories to certain users? Or if this is not possible is it possible to pick a... -
yorai85 said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic "Show Hits" doesn't work on Quiz-page view.
April 26 at 4:12 am
This is a bug. I will fix it in next release. -
yorai85 said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic statistics about results of quiz - on quiz page.
April 26 at 4:04 am
This is a good suggestion. Will add it to future releases. -
maverick replied to the topic Category's description causing error.
April 26 at 4:04 am
I see the url now shows correctly. can you please post a screenshot which describes the exact problem? -
maverick replied to the topic "Show Hits" doesn't work on Quiz-page view.
April 26 at 4:00 am
This is a bug. I will fix it in next release. -
maverick replied to the topic statistics about results of quiz - on quiz page.
April 26 at 3:53 am
This is a good suggestion. Will add it to future releases. -
maverick replied to the topic category link on quiz-page have disapeared since last update.
April 26 at 3:52 am
Go to Components -> Community Quiz -> Click on Options button on toolbar -> Quizzes tab Enable "Show Category" and "Link Category" options. -
maverick replied to the topic "my response" layout VS "quiz reulst" layout.
April 26 at 3:47 am
1. They are in layouts/default/results folder. 2. You can call it like this <?php echo QuizHelper::renderLayout($layout.'.results.actions',... -
yorai85 replied to the topic Category's description causing error.
April 26 at 2:59 am
hi maverick, this problem presists also in the last version of CQ. following your advise i have diabled ALL content plugins excpet for CQ's, but that didn't... -
yorai85 created new topic "Show Hits" doesn't work on Quiz-page view.
April 26 at 2:35 am
hello maverick, the number of responses (hits) on a quiz is not shown on the quiz pages - although set to "show" in CQ configurations (under the tab... -
yorai85 created new topic statistics about results of quiz - on quiz page.
April 26 at 2:25 am
hello maverick, Community Quiz come with a "leading users" module - but that module is not good for websites where the user want to stay anonymous. we use CQ...