kristobal1969 created new topic Strange layout visible when I click on a post if logged as administrator.
November 4 at 10:33 pm
Hello again. I find this product very good, but I still encounter an issue when I click on a subject once logged in as administrator.Indeed the layout is... -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic how to grant ability to modify profile.
November 4 at 10:17 pm
Thanks a lot Maverick for your answer it's working great now. -
maverick replied to the topic how to grant ability to modify profile.
November 4 at 6:07 pm
Please give Edit Own permission to the user group. -
maverick replied to the topic custom ansewer textbox: answers gone.
November 4 at 3:20 pm
The answers should be shown in consolidated report if they are present. Can you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form so that I can check... -
maverick replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
November 4 at 3:18 pm
This is the bug. When the image size is less than 256px, it is not zooming image to fix the frame. Will be fixed in next release. -
Boba Fett replied to the topic custom ansewer textbox: answers gone.
November 4 at 11:43 am
I donloaded the csv and yes, it contains all the answers. Any chance to display them in the consolidated report? Thank you. -
kristobal1969 created new topic how to grant ability to modify profile.
November 4 at 10:33 am
Hello,I mananged to change my avatar in my porfile and other information but it is not possible to do that when not admin.In you demo administrator the parameters... -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
November 4 at 9:50 am
Hello, I have the same problem when creating my avatar on my test site and this one.Just have a look at my avatar. My image is an png file 144x144pix. This... -
maverick replied to the topic custom ansewer textbox: answers gone.
November 4 at 9:43 am
Can you try downloading csv and check if answers are there? -
Boba Fett created new topic custom ansewer textbox: answers gone.
November 3 at 2:47 pm
Hi MaverickI'm hosting a survey right now. All questions are radio button type. I have added the custom answer textbox for each question to specify the answers. -
maverick replied to the topic Migrating from other forums.
November 2 at 6:47 pm
jean-marie60 wrote:Bonjour Si je n'arrive pas à migré mon kunena vers CjForum avec toutes mes données, est ce que vous... -
jean-marie60 replied to the topic Migrating from other forums.
November 2 at 5:19 pm
Bonjour Si je n'arrive pas à migré mon kunena vers CjForum avec toutes mes données, est ce que vous remboursez l'achat ? -
cardet replied to the topic Menu items issue.
November 1 at 4:39 pm
Thank you, I will have to find another way. -
maverick replied to the topic Permission Issue when Clicking Email Link.
October 31 at 10:41 pm
I sent you instructions via email, please install the plugin and check if it fix the issue. -
maverick replied to the topic Menu items issue.
October 31 at 10:30 pm
Unfortunately the Joomla router cannot find such duplicate item and it will produce unexpected result. Infact you are trying to duplicate the urls. A poll can have only one... -
maritz.mills replied to the topic Permission Issue when Clicking Email Link.
October 31 at 8:54 pm
Yes I did turn on Force HTTPS for the entire site -
cardet replied to the topic Menu items issue.
October 31 at 8:45 pm
Thank you for your help. I hope I can explain this better. I tried creating the second item (for the app) as a menu item alias, but it doesn't work as I need it. For... -
maverick replied to the topic Permission Issue when Clicking Email Link.
October 31 at 7:11 pm
http, https could make the difference. Did you enabled "Force HTTPS" option in global configuration? -
maverick replied to the topic Report for public user and report for registrated user.
October 31 at 6:54 pm
Hi Andreas, That's not possible unless you modify the code. Edit or override the layout file components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/default(or... -
maverick replied to the topic Menu items issue.
October 31 at 6:51 pm
Instead of creating two menu items for same category, menu item alias for the first.