maverick replied to the topic Further Kunena Migration WOES....
February 23 at 7:22 am
The issue happened because the attachments are always... -
maverick replied to the topic Further Kunena Migration WOES....
February 23 at 6:16 am
Could you please run below query and send me the exact result? select * from PREFIX_cjforum_topics where id IN (6841, 20348);select * from... -
maverick replied to the topic Further Kunena Migration WOES....
February 23 at 3:11 am
I will send you the final update by tomorrow EOD. -
rotec replied to the topic Further Kunena Migration WOES....
February 23 at 12:41 am
Any progress with Kunena Migration? We're really... -
rotec liked a reply to the topic Create Special Question Type.
February 22 at 11:31 pm
maverick replied to the topic poll's form does not reload automaticlly after voting, since upgrade to 5.0.2.
February 22 at 2:39 pm
components/com_communitypolls/layouts/LAYOUTNAME/poll/answers.php <div id="url_vote" class="url_vote"><?php echo... -
maverick replied to the topic "polls anywhere" template stopped working after upgrade to 5.0.2.
February 22 at 2:29 pm
Are you giving any template parameter in your short code? If not it will use -
yorai85 replied to the topic poll's form does not reload automaticlly after voting, since upgrade to 5.0.2.
February 22 at 4:45 am
i'm using CP version 5.0.2 with CjLib version 2.8.6. the joomla version is 3.9.1. i did not make any changes to the file " -
yorai85 replied to the topic "polls anywhere" template stopped working after upgrade to 5.0.2.
February 22 at 4:44 am
hello, sorry for the delay here. i cleared all cach but it didn't help. i also tried re-installing the component (version 5.0.2) and updated CjLib from 2.8.5... -
maverick replied to the topic Create Special Question Type.
February 20 at 2:32 am
Unfortunately, these cannot have overrides. You need to keep a backup of these files and merge them when you upgrade. I suggest upgrading only major releases e.g. 5.1, 5.2... -
teojerah replied to the topic Create Special Question Type.
February 20 at 1:53 am
Thank you for your reply ; I tested seem that there are more than just the layout override ; The followings file will need to be copied language... -
replied to the topic Create Special Question Type.
February 20 at 1:26 am
Language: you can add override strings from backend overrides page instead of adding them into core files.Layouts: Use layout overrides... -
teojerah replied to the topic Create Special Question Type.
February 20 at 1:01 am
Hi coming back to this subject, in development of my site i noticed that after the upgrade i will lost all my customisation. Can you advice me what must i do to retain... -
maverick replied to the topic questions category's description is not showing.
February 17 at 4:41 am
Replied here: -
maverick replied to the topic [solved] many pages not working after moving to 5.0.1.
February 17 at 4:38 am
That's a small bug found in the view file views/category/tmpl/default.php $params->set('show_parent', false); this should be removed. The bug is... -
yorai85 replied to the topic error when posting questions as guest.
February 16 at 8:21 pm
thank you, that fixed the issue. -
yorai85 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic error when posting questions as guest.
February 16 at 8:21 pm
You are correct, this is because of reCaptcha 2.0 plugin requires the second argument as an array. Earlier string argument was required. -
yorai85 replied to the topic questions category's description is not showing.
February 16 at 8:18 pm
hi again - as i mentioned in this thread, now the category's description... -
yorai85 replied to the topic many pages not working after moving to 5.0.1.
February 16 at 8:16 pm
yes, thank you. that helped. after i updated the component everything was ok. then i uploaded my overrides for the new version (which i prepared on the... -
yorai85 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic many pages not working after moving to 5.0.1.
February 16 at 8:13 pm
Go to component options, check once and save them. It most probably because of some setting not in the database.