maverick replied to the topic Show poll results, not poll form, when user has voted (and modify answers is enabled).
March 5 at 3:06 am
It needs a little code change in the view file components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/default.php find at line 21 $default_view = (!$show_vote_form... -
brandnew created new topic After update to 5.0.0 responses PDF file is not created.
March 4 at 9:42 pm
Hello maverick. As in title.Community Quiz after update from v 4.8.1 to 5.0.0 does not create... -
nemesysgr replied to the topic Show poll results, not poll form, when user has voted (and modify answers is enabled).
March 4 at 6:31 pm
I have enabled the View Results permissions, but nothing has changed. The poll results are shown when someone votes, but when he refreshes the page, he sees again the vote... -
maverick replied to the topic Show poll results, not poll form, when user has voted (and modify answers is enabled).
March 4 at 2:44 pm
Yes, you need to enable View Results permission in the component permission settings. -
nemesysgr created new topic Show poll results, not poll form, when user has voted (and modify answers is enabled).
March 4 at 2:34 pm
Hello, I have enabled "Modify Answers" in my polls. I want the user to see the poll results instead of the poll form, after voting. Is this possible? -
replied to the topic survey hangs on complete.
March 2 at 10:24 am
Try to disable Send PDF Results option which might be causing the issue. If it doesn't fix issue, please send a support ticket via contact us form along with your website and... -
pjotter created new topic survey hangs on complete.
March 2 at 10:15 am
When a visitor clicks the comlete button, the paga "hangs". It will not go to the redirect or thank you page. I tried to export the survey, but then I get ... -
maverick replied to the topic Wrong Report on Rankings.
March 1 at 5:53 pm
I found a bug there. components/com_communitysurveys/layouts/LAYOOUTNAME/reports/consolidated/ranking.php foreach ($item->answers as $i =>... -
SnapCount replied to the topic Wrong Report on Rankings.
March 1 at 3:00 pm
Sure! Its the same on Chrome and Firefox. And I have the same issue on my Joomla as on your Demo-Joomla. ( -
maverick replied to the topic Wrong Report on Rankings.
March 1 at 2:10 pm
If you are referring to the below question on the demo site, it has only 3 answers with 3 ranks shown. Can you post a screenshot of the issue? Please read below... -
maverick replied to the topic Community Poll Answers.
March 1 at 12:17 pm
Where can I see that issue? can you send me the website details using contact us form? -
SnapCount created new topic Wrong Report on Rankings.
March 1 at 11:56 am
Hello, I want to use rankings in a Survey. The user has to bring alternatives into his prefered order. But when I look into the report of a ranking... -
Fredcw006 created new topic Community Poll Answers.
March 1 at 9:20 am
Hello, Community Poll is installed on a Joomla 3.9.2 version I'm unable to add answers ti my poll. The answer zone is unwsritable ! Someone to help... -
maverick replied to the topic MY Stuff Broken!.
February 28 at 2:41 am
If you would like me to set up the extension for you, please let me know. -
Estacey2018 replied to the topic MY Stuff Broken!.
February 27 at 10:59 pm
I'm sorry, I have removed the software 'bundle' from my system. -
- created new topic CSV only includes 20 responses.
February 27 at 3:35 pm
Downloading the CSV of responses for any survey only dowloads 20 responses.... suspiciously the same number that show per screen when viewing responses. This is true... -
maverick replied to the topic Categories are saving to xxx_categories instead of xxx_answers_categories.
February 27 at 3:20 am
From your description, you were using 5-year-old or earlier version of Community Answers. It is impossible to tell you what is going on as you missed 5-year... -
maverick replied to the topic MY Stuff Broken!.
February 27 at 2:56 am
Can you please send me your website and admin user details using contact us form so that I will check it?