Vin replied to the topic Is that possible to have tags only for CA and not shared with articles?.
February 10 at 9:37 am
Thanks for your answer. Maybe I didn't explain it well; I meant if we could restrict the tags available to the user posting a question to a group having a given parent... -
maverick replied to the topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 10 at 3:47 am
You can create a menu item in unused menus or new menus (just don't publish the menus using the menu module). Then you can access your surveys with the URL using the menu item... -
zeusweb replied to the topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 9 at 8:52 pm
Hi SEF is enabled Private survey is set to No Global survey url is set to -
maverick replied to the topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 9 at 8:18 pm
If you are using private survey, survey key is mandatory. Otherwise, you can simply use the url displayed on front-end listing page which you can shorten using the menu items... -
maverick replied to the topic Show results after Voting End date.
February 9 at 8:17 pm
The problem may be different. Please send me your website details using contact us form and I will check it. -
zeusweb replied to the topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 9 at 6:07 pm
Ok I have found the reason the parameter is not recognised! I had to change my url from ... -
zeusweb replied to the topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 9 at 5:22 pm
Hi There was an override which did not have your code to return if it was a hidden parameter, I have added that piece of code to the override and now the hidden... -
dabri replied to the topic Show results after Voting End date.
February 9 at 5:16 pm
Not long ago I discovered, that this problem is back.At this time I used the version 5.0.6, may be this problem exists for quite some time. I have updated to the... -
maverick replied to the topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 9 at 4:49 pm
Do you have any layout overrides of the component layouts? -
maverick replied to the topic Show results after Voting End date.
February 9 at 4:46 pm
This is 4 year old topic and the code is no longer valid. What is the version of the component you are using and what was the version you were using before upgrade? -
zeusweb created new topic URL Hidden Question is not hidden.
February 9 at 9:57 am
Hi I am having a number of issues when testting the Hidden URL parameter. After looking at the wiki entry at -
dabri replied to the topic Show results after Voting End date.
February 8 at 8:49 pm
Hello, this Problem returns: -
maverick replied to the topic Is that possible to have tags only for CA and not shared with articles?.
February 8 at 3:35 am
Unfortunately there is no such possibility provided by Joomla to restrict a parent tag. -
Vin replied to the topic Is that possible to have tags only for CA and not shared with articles?.
February 7 at 8:40 pm
Thanks for your answer. But what if Community Manager would let me set a parent tag for the tags available to the user posting a question? This way, the tags available to the... -
maverick replied to the topic Is that possible to have tags only for CA and not shared with articles?.
February 7 at 6:40 pm
Joomla do not have component specific tagging system, so it is not possible to have tags specific to community answers. The language string might have missed in your... -
zeusweb replied to the topic Country restriction issue.
February 7 at 11:23 am
Hi Confirmed that the issue is down to testing on a lan - sorry for my confusion! -
Vin created new topic Is that possible to have tags only for CA and not shared with articles?.
February 7 at 9:32 am
Good morning, Is that possible to create a different set of tags available only to Community Answers? Lilke, when a user posts a question, he/she can choose among some... -
Vin liked a reply to the topic path shown instead of img deafault avatar.
February 7 at 9:13 am
Vin said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic path shown instead of img deafault avatar.
February 7 at 9:13 am
Expect it Mid Feb 2020. -
zeusweb replied to the topic Country restriction issue.
February 7 at 9:05 am
Hi Just had an idea, this environment is on a lan (prior to being released on the internet) so the IP address it is getting will be a local address and...