dairo created new topic Export and print quiz.
August 4 at 3:11 am
Hello, I'm trying to export and print my quiz. I was looking for a PDF option but there is none. When I download it I just see an xml file. ¿How... -
maverick replied to the topic View all responses in Consolidated Report.
August 2 at 7:16 pm
The consolidated report module should display the same way as the main report. Can you let me know where you published this module so that I can check the issue? -
tastyracer replied to the topic View all responses in Consolidated Report.
August 2 at 7:04 pm
Thanks for the reply. Unformatted csv file is just a total pain to prepare for easy viewing for each survey. I am not trying to mine data from hundreds of responses,... -
tastyracer disliked a reply to the topic View all responses in Consolidated Report.
August 2 at 6:51 pm
maverick replied to the topic View all responses in Consolidated Report.
August 2 at 2:08 pm
If you would like to share all responses, please download csv file which contain all of them. -
maverick replied to the topic Language constant.
August 2 at 2:07 pm
This is not a valid one, besides it does not belong to CA. I will check why it is shown. -
Yev replied to the topic Language constant.
August 2 at 12:27 pm
The installer script contains a constant without text. COM_INSTALLER_TYPE_TYPE_ -
tastyracer created new topic View all responses in Consolidated Report.
August 2 at 9:10 am
Hi, I'm hoping to use Community Surveys Pro to collect post-training feedback. I need to share the Consolidated Report with users who have not taken survey (group... -
maverick replied to the topic File format permissions.
August 2 at 8:51 am
I release v5.1.4 version which supports customizing file extensions. Please update it. -
Yev created new topic File format permissions.
August 2 at 6:36 am
Good day. Where are the permissions for the file attachment formats? I would like to allow uploading only image formats. -
maverick replied to the topic Multi Rating/Star Rating Other field values not displaying properly in Reports view.
July 31 at 5:42 am
Hi Mel, the custom answer whatever the user entered will be shown in the report. Are you sure your user entered the only number and not the other value? -
maverick replied to the topic Infinite loader when loading quiz with several pages.
July 31 at 5:26 am
This error occurs when your server does not respond to an ajax request. As requested in... -
Melanie created new topic Multi Rating/Star Rating Other field values not displaying properly in Reports view.
July 30 at 8:41 pm
Hi, The Multi Rating/Star Rating 'Other' field where a use can enter their own values is not displaying properly in Reports view. We are just asking for a number... -
formant2004 created new topic Infinite loader when loading quiz with several pages.
July 30 at 8:26 pm
Hello Faced a problem when there are several pages in a quiz, I get an error below in the console. What could it be connected with, please tell... -
maverick said thank you to Yevgeny for his/her reply to the topic Language constant.
July 30 at 7:32 pm
Thank. I understood. Found... -
maverick replied to the topic Elevation chart missing.
July 30 at 7:31 pm
Please send me the details using contact us form -
Yev replied to the topic Language constant.
July 30 at 5:20 pm
Thank. I understood. I'll find more kostants without text. -
sanax replied to the topic Elevation chart missing.
July 30 at 3:22 pm
Let me set up an account for you to check it. How can I send the login info to you? -
maverick replied to the topic Elevation chart missing.
July 30 at 2:49 pm
Can you let me know the page URL to check what was loading from the maps?.