Maverick replied to the topic RC 7: The survey is not yet live. Please wait for some time or contact administrator..
August 4 at 4:46 pm
RC 7: Survey accessed before it goes live, that is publish up date not yet reached Edit your survey and set publish up date to past date or set it to '0000-00-00 00:00:00' -
Maverick replied to the topic Image in Question description does not Appear.
August 4 at 4:44 pm
The proble is your entire description has only one tag - which is image but no text content. The component checks if there is any content available before proceediing further to display description. To fix this, there are two ways. First way: edit components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default/response/question.php and find $description = strip_tags($item->description); change it to $description = $item->description; Second way: Add some content in your description, a few words. -
Maverick replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 4 at 4:38 pm
I suggest you to hide complete toolbar and create external url menu items in your main menu. You may need to note down the urls from toolbar before hiding it. -
Philip Guilford created new topic School Admin Needs Help.
August 4 at 3:57 pm
Hello, I normally wouldn't ask for this because I know a lot of time goes into making this software, but when I purchased Community Surveys the version was 3.7.1. After looking at the change log there seems to be may bugs that were fixed in the newer versions. Because I'm entering my third year of medical school my focus was on studying, and I didn't have time to update before my subscription expired. Would it possible to receive one final update, and if not the newest version (v3.8.3) would you consider doing the version just before my subscription expired (v3.7.6)? I know this is a lot to ask, but I would be extremely grateful for any help. best regards -
Andrew Ooi created new topic RC 7: The survey is not yet live. Please wait for some time or contact administrator..
August 4 at 3:53 am
Hi Maverick, How DO I make a survey live? I get the following error message. RC 7: The survey is not yet live. Please wait for some time or contact administrator. -
Bryon created new topic Image in Question description does not Appear.
August 4 at 3:10 am
Hi, I think there's a bug. The image in the question description editor area does not appear. But in the edit mode when I edit the description using editor, the image is already there. Please provide an quick fix if possible, cos nothing can work if images do not appear. thanks -
Sulaimon replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 3 at 6:15 pm
No Maverick, I want the "CjBlog header" to display on just one mainmenu page. Which is "My GZA" on the mainmenu. Thanks a lot -
Maverick replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 3 at 5:47 pm
Did you mean you would like to display my account menu item? -
Maverick replied to the topic Help! I do not want to see the results of questions..
August 3 at 5:46 pm
Can you send me your website details using contact us form so that I can check it? -
Sulaimon replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 3 at 10:56 am
i just want to display on the last menu item under mainmenu. Thanks -
Trench replied to the topic Social sharing.
August 3 at 9:13 am
Perfect! Thanks Maverick now works well. :) Regards -
federico replied to the topic Help! I do not want to see the results of questions..
August 3 at 8:46 am
Sorry , another question ... How do I make the quiz more than once ? Whenever there is an error "You have Already responded to this quiz . " .I scored in the basic options to Yes the " Allow Multiple Responses " ... but the problem is not solved ... what am I doing wrong ? Thanks. I'm sorry for my english. -
Maverick replied to the topic Social sharing.
August 1 at 12:36 pm
Please disable Google Earth button in GPX Settings of component Options. When user computer do not have Google Earth installed this causes problems. -
Maverick replied to the topic Social sharing.
August 1 at 12:36 pm
Please disable Google Earth button in GPX Settings of component Options. -
Maverick replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 1 at 10:13 am
What all menu items you want to display on? -
Sulaimon replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
July 31 at 7:17 pm
I want the CjBlog Header to display on only selected menu items. how do i choose which of the mainmenu pages i wish to display the CjBlog header. Thanks -
Maverick replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
July 31 at 5:38 pm
Can you please let me know what is your question? -
Maverick replied to the topic Help! I do not want to see the results of questions..
July 31 at 5:35 pm
Did you mean you would like to hide the report shown at the end? Edit your quiz and disable show results option. -
Maverick replied to the topic Voting Limit.
July 31 at 5:34 pm
Is your poll anonymous or onymous? Can you check the "Anonymous" option of your poll? If it is enabled, only cookies restriction will work (if user browser allow cookies). Otherwise, please send me your website details using contact us form and I will check it. -
Sulaimon replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
July 31 at 4:50 pm
Hi, Anyone with assistance??????????????