Roxana Kawas replied to the topic Turn OFF Poll Title.
August 7 at 9:43 pm
Thank you Maverick... where do I find the path you indicate? I went to cPanel > File Manager > Site > Media but it doesn't show the following stuff you mention... I also went to Template Manager on the Joomla admin and could't find it. Thank you for having patience with me :-) ... I am not very techy Kind Regards, Roxana -
Maverick replied to the topic Help! I do not want to see the results of questions..
August 7 at 6:15 pm
That's correct. I am not sure why it isn't working for you as it works for me. Do this: Go to Components->Community Quiz->Click on Options button on toolbar->Check and Save the options once and access quiz. If problem persists, send me a mail using contact us form, I will provide you copy of mine. -
Maverick replied to the topic Turn OFF Poll Title.
August 7 at 6:06 pm
Anywhere script dont respect the configuration. edit /media/anywhere/templates/default/template.tpl and remove whatever you don't want. -
federico replied to the topic Help! I do not want to see the results of questions..
August 7 at 3:24 pm
I do not understand why with these credentials can not access the site. The change I made to allow a user to repeat the quiz more than once... in Basic Options:Allow Multiple Responses YESand to not display the correct answers at the end of the quiz... in Basic Options:Show Answers HIDE IT's correct? -
Roxana Kawas created new topic Turn OFF Poll Title.
August 7 at 6:52 am
Hi! I will be embedding my polls in articles (using loadposition syntax)... I have turned OFF the options to hide title in the global config settings and the individual poll settings, but the title still appears on the site. Can you tell me what I might be missing? For your reference, here is a screenshot with my settings: My site is: Thank you, Roxana -
Bryon replied to the topic Image in Question description does not Appear.
August 7 at 5:05 am
ok it works now. thanks. -
Roxana Kawas said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Community Polls cannnot poll at Homepage.
August 7 at 3:50 am
Go to Components->Community Polls->Click on Options button on toolbar->Permission Settings->Give vote permission to public user group. -
Roxana Kawas replied to the topic Community Polls cannnot poll at Homepage.
August 7 at 3:49 am
Thank you Maverick! That solved the problem! Kind regards :-) Roxana -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Polls cannnot poll at Homepage.
August 7 at 3:11 am
Go to Components->Community Polls->Click on Options button on toolbar->Permission Settings->Give vote permission to public user group. -
Roxana Kawas replied to the topic Community Polls cannnot poll at Homepage.
August 7 at 2:56 am
Hi, I just got Community Polls and published my first test. The voting option doesn't appear, and I get two errors: Poll results are hidden from public view You are not authorized to vote on this poll Please see screenshot here: The site I am working on is this one: How can I enable voting... I just want open voting, meaning that anyone can vote, and doesn't have to be a registered user, or logged in. I will kindly appreciate your guidance to solve this :-) Thank you, Roxana -
yu feng replied to the topic the blank page after i install the surveys.
August 7 at 2:52 am
I have solved the problem by myself. It must be installed the CoreJoomla CjLib component first. -
yu feng created new topic the blank page after i install the surveys.
August 6 at 11:39 pm
how to fix it? i have wrote a technical support mail to you at yesterday. -
PW replied to the topic Voting Limit.
August 6 at 8:39 pm
Okay, Somehow it works now. Thanks for the support! -
Matthias Glietz replied to the topic Error 1054 Blank Page.
August 6 at 6:31 pm
thank, but no results? -
Sulaimon replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 6 at 5:31 pm
Maverick wrote: Use the same url without user id and do the following code change. Edit components/com_cjblog/controllers/user.php and find $this->registerDefaultTask('get_user_points'); change it to $this->registerDefaultTask('get_user_articles'); Tried this and it worked like magic. Thanks Maverick, you're simply the best. -
Maverick replied to the topic EDIT CJBLOG HEADER MENU.
August 6 at 4:59 pm
Use the same url without user id and do the following code change. Edit components/com_cjblog/controllers/user.php and find $this->registerDefaultTask('get_user_points'); change it to $this->registerDefaultTask('get_user_articles'); -
Maverick replied to the topic Image in Question description does not Appear.
August 6 at 4:42 pm
Yes, that's the bug. Wrong file in the package. it don't display any answer explanation. You can simply copy the code from choice.php to this file. -
Maverick replied to the topic Image in Question description does not Appear.
August 6 at 4:37 pm
You can't find anything as there is no answer explanation field available for textbox type questions. -
Maverick replied to the topic Error on submit answer.
August 6 at 4:35 pm
Can you send me your website user details using contact us form? -
Maverick replied to the topic How to redirect users to a specific page.
August 6 at 4:33 pm
For survey this is possible. just set the redirect url in your survey. For polls, you can display a custom message but you cannot redirect to a different page.