iceberg replied to the topic uninstalled and now i can't log into the site.
September 23 at 11:27 am
fyi - the site is - i can provide someone my log on details because the logon screen *will* show up, but you get that error as soon as you log into the admin area, or even the blog on the front end. -
iceberg created new topic uninstalled and now i can't log into the site.
September 23 at 10:44 am
i had many cj items installed but i've never used them and went with another solution. in trying to clean up the site i was removing all the cj componants and plug ins i could find. last time i did this it rendered my site unavailable. now my site i can access it, but i can't log into it. Warning: require_once(/home3/renegad2/public_html/radio/components/com_cjlib/framework/api.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home3/renegad2/public_html/radio/plugins/user/cjforum/cjforum.php on line 10 so, now the site itself is functional but i can't log into it to write articles, change things, or anything at all. you'll get this error trying to log into the front or back end. i know i need to disable some plugs ins i'm sure, or uninstall them too, but not sure how i can do this if i'm prevented from logging into the admin area. any suggestions? jerry -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic CommunityQuiz 4 Documentation.
September 23 at 6:06 am
HI, Thanks for your suggestion is there any backend configuration which will show pagination for the list view of quizzes becuase I have tried to find out but didny got it. And as I know there is code for the pagination in the file components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default/quizzes_list.php so Please can you tell how can I get paginaion for list view or I have to write some code i n the above mentioned file for the pagination. Thanks! -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic CommunityQuiz 4 Documentation.
September 23 at 4:25 am
You need to modify the layout file components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default/quizzes_list.php You can add your own styling with this file. -
Maverick replied to the topic CommunityQuiz 4 Documentation.
September 22 at 4:35 pm
You need to modify the layout file components/com_communityquiz/layouts/default/quizzes_list.php You can add your own styling with this file. -
Maverick said thank you to Cory Sytsma for his/her reply to the topic AcyMailing Plugin URL Display.
September 22 at 4:33 pm
Well, I just went ahead and modified the plugin, and works for me now. With this edit, the new tag would look like: {surveyurl:1|Take the Survey} Replace the text 'Take the Survey' with whatever displayed text you want. Instructions: Edit the following file: <site>/plugins/acymailing/communitysurveys/communitysurveys.php With these changes: Line 129: $match = '#{surveyurl:(.*)|(.*?)}#Ui'; Line 167-172: $start = strpos($oneTag, ':') + 1; $length = strpos($oneTag, '|') - strpos($oneTag, ':') - 1; $sid = intval(substr($oneTag, $start, $length)); $t_start = strpos($oneTag, '|') + 1; $t_length = strpos($oneTag, '}') - strpos($oneTag, '|') - 1; $t_val = substr($oneTag, $t_start, $t_length); Line 186 (used to be 183 before above 3 lines were added): $link = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$t_val.'</a>'; -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic CommunityQuiz 4 Documentation.
September 22 at 1:38 pm
HI I also want your help to get one view in which I am attaching below. Can Please tell me is there any way to start quiz if I add start quiz btton in the front of Quiz name in the List of quiz names.Because you have used layout to show list of quizzes and start quiz Implementation is done using MVC architecture so in my case its not working. So please give me some Idea so that I can done it. -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic CommunityQuiz 4 Documentation.
September 22 at 1:30 pm
Hi , I was trying to check working of community quiz on the demo site There was submenu under the Account Menu named My Quizzes and its giving list view of quizzes which is the same one whivch I was looking for but its not coming at my site.Can you plaese check whats the matter with it or What I need to done to get that view.I am uploading the screenshot of the view which I saw on the demo site. -
Lion Benjamins said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Auto-subscriibe to categories.
September 22 at 12:22 pm
A simple plugin can do the trick - subscribe global after a user signup. If you know the php stuff, you can add this in CA User plugin code. Otherwise wait for next release, I will add this option. -
Rudi replied to the topic Community Surveys plugin blank white pages.
September 22 at 12:16 pm
Nevermind, I figured it out! :) Thanks Rudi -
Rudi created new topic Community Surveys plugin blank white pages.
September 22 at 12:00 pm
Good day, I have JUST purchased the Community Surveys plugin (the $65 version), I have uploaded and installed it and straight away it doesn't work. It says the install was a success, but when you go into the back end and click on dashboard or surveys it just displays a blank white page. the only item that seems to work fine is categories. Please can you advise what might be causing this problem. Thanks Rudi -
Cory Sytsma replied to the topic AcyMailing Plugin URL Display.
September 22 at 6:38 am
Well, I just went ahead and modified the plugin, and works for me now. With this edit, the new tag would look like: {surveyurl:1|Take the Survey} Replace the text 'Take the Survey' with whatever displayed text you want. Instructions: Edit the following file: <site>/plugins/acymailing/communitysurveys/communitysurveys.php With these changes: Line 129: $match = '#{surveyurl:(.*)|(.*?)}#Ui'; Line 167-172: $start = strpos($oneTag, ':') + 1; $length = strpos($oneTag, '|') - strpos($oneTag, ':') - 1; $sid = intval(substr($oneTag, $start, $length)); $t_start = strpos($oneTag, '|') + 1; $t_length = strpos($oneTag, '}') - strpos($oneTag, '|') - 1; $t_val = substr($oneTag, $t_start, $t_length); Line 186 (used to be 183 before above 3 lines were added): $link = '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$t_val.'</a>'; -
Cory Sytsma created new topic AcyMailing Plugin URL Display.
September 22 at 6:00 am
I'm attempting to use the Acymailing plugin, but the only way it appears to work is to insert the full HTTP link text. This is very ugly and unprofessional, and breaks the formatting of my newsletter. I've tried to use the tag inside an href, but that doesn't work either. Is there something I'm missing? I'm expecting it to work like an {unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe} tag that surrounds text, then the link is assigned to that display text. -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic CommunityQuiz 4 Documentation.
September 21 at 3:53 am
I am planning it for tomorrow but depending on any bugs that will found in testing. Max by next weekend. -
Maverick replied to the topic View Text Responses overlay problem.
September 20 at 5:11 pm
That's the functionality of bootstrap javascript. but your template (or some plugin) overrides the behavior and the standard behavior dont work (all modal boxes are replaced with simplemodal on your page. So you should use the "x" button on the top of the modal. -
MelanieB replied to the topic View Text Responses overlay problem.
September 20 at 3:10 pm
Hi Maverick, thank you so much - the modal box is more visible now One last thing, the Cancel button doesn't work. When pressed it does nothing. How do I fix it? Mel -
Maverick created new article Community Quiz v4.1.0 is released.
September 20 at 2:46 pm
We are pleased to announce Community Quiz v4.1.0 release. This release adds few new features such as redesigned my quizzes page, restrict max questions a user can answer in... -
Maverick replied to the topic View Text Responses overlay problem.
September 20 at 2:33 pm
Please add below code either in your template css file or in media/com_communitysurveys/css/cj.surveys.min.css .simplemodal-container { background-color: #fff !important; padding: 10px; } Now clear your browser and server and reload page. -
MelanieB replied to the topic View Text Responses overlay problem.
September 20 at 11:06 am
Hi Maverick, I have changed the access levels so you can switch the login module off to test (as you wouldn't be able to login if I turned it off?) Are you able to check it? Kind regards Mel -
Andreas said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Auto Numbering of Questions.
September 19 at 9:10 pm
This is already implemented and being tested.