Hi Mav,
I have had a couple of respondents email me to say they are stuck at the start page, where the Google Recaptcha 'I'm not a robot' is just spinning round. They advised me they were using IE 8 and 9 (All of my respondents will be using workplace computers and unfortunately part of the security prob of the world and net at large, is that company's don't upgrade to latest versions quick enough.
Therefore I can't ignore their disgruntledness to not being able to take the survey.
I then ran the start page in IE 8 and 9 and confirmed it does indeed just spin and not load the pictures part and hence they can't move on.
However, I really don't fancy NOT having a captcha present as I need to reduce any risks to the quality of this surveys data, from the like of spam bots etc.
Therefore, I notice in CSurveys 'Options' you can turn off the recaptcha but cannot select another 3rd party installed one.
I have found this one and asked if it's compatible with IE 8 and 9 and indeed it is: https://idealextensions.com/joomla-extensions/securimage-captcha-plugin.html
So is there any quick hack I can do to your extension, that would enable me to place this developers plugin in place of the google recaptcha on your surveys first page. See it here...
I look forward to hearing from you.