Purchase Information

  • Community Quiz - Email Purchase Notifications

    I have purchased the Community Quiz component (I do not understand why I could not select 'Post-Sales' as a category for this query).

    When a user Purchases access to a quiz, the information of the person/account is 'saved', and is then sent via email together with the quiz information to an administrator email once the purchased quiz has been submitted. This works as intended. See the example below:

    First name: xxx
    Last name: xxxxxxxx
    Email Address: xxx@ xxxxxxx.co.za
    Contact number: xxxxxxxxxx
    Country: South Africa
    Score: 7/15
    Quiz Failed

    However: once the user/account logs out and logs back in, and with this new session submits the same quiz, the user/account information is then not sent through via email as it did before. See the example below:

    First name: 
    Last name: 
    Email Address: 
    Contact number: 
    Score: 7/15
    Quiz Failed

    The user/account information must be included in all quiz submissions. How can this issue be solved?Thank you in advance for your support.Kind regards

  • Evaluate answers in text fields for Quiz component

    Is there an option for quiz admin to evaluate answers given in text fields or text areas and mark them accordingly (i.e. checkbox in admin next to the given answer, marking it correct). Quiz will contain only text fields for custom answers, hence the need for backend evaluation