
  • [SOLVED] Upgrade from 3 to 4.4 made surveys to disappear


    After upgrading from 3. something (uptodate) to 4.4 i still find the categories, but no surveys.

    Where have they gone? How can i recover them?

    I, of course, have a backup.


  • Cannot unpublish poll


    it seems I cannot unpublish a poll. It is still showing up in the module mod_communitypolls in the frontend.

    I have tried setting the voting end date to yesterday, clicking on the "unpublish" icon in listview (see screenshot attached), marking the poll with a checkmark and then clicking the button "unpublish" at the top, archiving the poll. Still it shows up in the frontend on our website. The only strange thing is, that when I open the poll editing screen in the backend and select "unpublish" there and save, then the button jumps back to published (even though it still shows "unpublished" in the list view (screen shot 1).

    Many thanks for your help,


  • MaxMind error

    When I submit a question ( I get the following message:

    Error opening database file (/usr/www/users/diggsxxsqt/media/com_cjlib/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb). Is this a valid MaxMind DB file?

    Item successfully submitted.


    The question is stored and available in the backend, but I don't want users to see this message. 

    Then, when I submit an answer, I get the same message, but I am also taken out of the page back to the homepage.  I don't want the user to be

    re-directed to the home page every time they've posted an answer.

    How can I solve these problems?

    The site's Global Configuration has been set to show no error reporting.


    Thank you

  • MaxMind error message


    I have just purchased this software bundle for my Community Interest Company and having installed it, I am experiencing the following error message with Community Answers:

    Error opening database file (/home/customer/www/ Is this a valid MaxMind DB file?

    I cannot find any option within the component or plugins to turn off this GeoIP function.

    I note that that attention has been drawn to this problem previously and there is a FAQ response but the MaxMind website requires registration (and potentially payment?) and entry of a License ID. Is this all necessary?

    I would have expected the component to work out of the box or at least allow a means of switching off this function to remove the error messages. It is not clear from the documentation how what this GeoIP function provides and how essential it is.

    Can anyone please explain what this is for, and advise on how to switch this function off and remove the error messages?

    Many thanks

  • No text input in IE11

    In IE11 in a survey I cannot enter any text in a free text field of the survey. Other browsers work.

    The issue is not template related, I also get it with the standard protostar template of Joomla.

    A sample site for this is

    Start the survey, go to the second page, and try to enter text in the text box. It works in Firefox, but not in IE 11.

    Since IE 11 is widespread this is a real issue, please look into it and get back to me with a solution suggestion.

    Thank you and kind regards,


  • On posting a suggestion, I got (FYI)

    FYI - on submitting a suggestion, I got:


    Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage\FileStorage::_deleteFolder JFolder: :delete: Could not delete folder. Path: /home/corejoomla/public_html/cache/com_cjforum

  • problem in arabic language with cjblog points plugins


    problem in arabic language with cjblog points plugins 



  • Several surveys problems I just cannot solve

    Maverick, you've helped me with the editor-xtd conflict, thank you,

    I've now got a few more things I cannot solve:

    1/ I have got through (submitted) a whole survey ok, it starts at page 1, selecting the first question takes the user through another 7 pages and finishes ok after page 8 which is name and email. The second question on page one takes the user through 6 different pages, all questions have used the "copy" feature to copy the questions to their own pages (6) until they skip onto the final original page 8, (name/email).

    When the report is viewed of this submitted survey, everything is correct, except the end of the survey repeats the 6 unanswered pages of questions from the flow that happens IF they chose question 2. I've checked the conditional rules and they are correct.

    I've looked and read, but can't figure out why it's doing this. Obviously I'm doing something very basically wrong.. but can't find it.

    2/ The author email that is sent out after a user survey has a link to the"view reports", clicking that (even if already admin signed in back end) arrives at a 403.

    3/ If I open a user survey response, and click the pdf button, I get a new blank page. Clicking the print button works ok, although it has all the extra pages on it too.

    4/ You've already told me that a public/guest survey responder's name doesn't appear in their "thank you" email, however it's really important to us to create a relationship with these survey submitters and as they are being asked for their name (as per the "name" question box) could you kindly have a think about a way that this could be achieved.

    Thank you, John