Anil Dagia
ad682005 created new topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 10:48 am
Hi, I just installed Sociable and it is ready to use out of the box. Good extension. I do have a query. I created a menu of type Activities accessible to front end... -
ad682005 created new topic Query on subscribing to main category which has sub categories.
June 7 at 7:06 am
Hi, I have create Main categories in which topic creation is not allowed. In that sense the main categories just act as compartments or boxes to hold the sub... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 11:49 am
Never mind. I found the "View Profile" permission setting and enabled that. It was way below in the screen and I had not scrolled down to see other... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 11:46 am
Thanks. Allowing Edit Own permission worked and now i am able to edit my own profile. There is still one issue about Viewing of user profiles shown in the user... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 9:55 am
I checked the system again. Edit is not permitted for any user of the system. PLUS There is one more issue. Check at the bottom of the attached... -
ad682005 created new topic Tables deletion on uninstall.
June 5 at 7:40 am
Hi, I uninstalled Community Quiz component as well as CJBlog component. However, the tables pertaining to these are still in the database. How can I remove unwanted... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 5 at 7:17 am
I checked, UIser is not cheked out (locked). I also clicked on the Sync button and got a message Operation Successful. Even after that Edit is still... -
ad682005 created new topic Unable to update User Profile.
June 4 at 5:40 pm
Hi, I am facing issues with the update to user profile. -
ad682005 replied to the topic CJForum User Profile display and Profile Form for updating profile.
June 4 at 5:39 pm
Hi, I am facing issues with the update. I see the update link - but I get a message that Edit... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query regarding default sorting in Users Listing menu.
June 4 at 5:38 pm
Done. Put it up on the feature request topic. -
ad682005 replied to the topic How to show or not show categories based on permissions.
June 4 at 5:37 pm
DONE. Works. Thanks. -
ad682005 replied to the topic How to show or not show categories based on permissions.
June 4 at 4:36 pm
Yes. I have cleared the Joomla cache, cleared browser cahce, used a different browser. Even then the category is shown to a user forma group for which view permission is... -
ad682005 replied to the topic How to show or not show categories based on permissions.
June 4 at 3:58 pm
What if my category is already created? My category is already created. I go into edit, go to permissions tab, select the usergroup who must not see this categroy and for that... -
ad682005 replied to the topic CJForum User Profile display and Profile Form for updating profile.
June 4 at 12:18 pm
Hi, I am facing issues with the update. I see the update link - but I get a message that Edit not permitted. Check... -
ad682005 created new topic How to show or not show categories based on permissions.
June 4 at 11:34 am
Hi, I have CJForum and let us say I have 3 categories 1) Cat 1 2) Cat 2 3) Cat 3 And I have user groups... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query regarding default sorting in Users Listing menu.
June 4 at 11:32 am
If I change the code, then it will get updated when you release the next version. Is there any other way? Is there an override method or a configuration option? Or something... -
ad682005 created new topic Query regarding default sorting in Users Listing menu.
June 3 at 2:53 pm
Hi, In CJForum I have created a menu item for Users Listing. The default sort for it is Posts descending. Is there any way to... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Issue with images upload in the description fields.
March 27 at 11:04 am
Hi I have sent details using the Contact Us form. Please check. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Issue with images upload in the description fields.
March 26 at 1:19 pm
Also please note - the display is messed in the Quiz List View AS WELL as When you finish the quiz after that it shows the correct answers and... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Issue with images upload in the description fields.
March 26 at 1:07 pm
I do not have amny template override excep one css override (