Anil Dagia
ad682005 created new topic Several issues identified in the Groups Create/Edit.
June 18 at 3:58 pm
Hi, Today I logged into my Sociable front end, clicked on Groups and then Create Group. Enter title and description. Issue 1 - I clicked on save but... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 8 at 7:43 pm
maverick wrote: Your website is using Bootstrap 2 version, so I switched it. There is a small template related css change needed for the... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Incorrect reputation/activity data on first display.
June 8 at 7:42 pm
OK. Will await fixed version -
ad682005 replied to the topic Question on notifications of Activity in Sociable.
June 8 at 7:40 pm
OK cool. So it is there on your roadmap. Will await updates wheenever it gets developed. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Question on Page Heading for Sociable menu.
June 8 at 7:38 pm
My template is showing the page heading for other components and extensions and i am using the same template for Sociable. Why would my template display for other components... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Incorrect reputation/activity data on first display.
June 8 at 4:04 pm
Hi Maverick, This same issue has cfropped up again. Check attached images.... -
ad682005 created new topic Question on notifications of Activity in Sociable.
June 8 at 3:47 pm
Hi, In Sociable, if a user posts a status o ra photo or a video link or creates an event - (basically any activity) - does the system send an email to all the... -
ad682005 created new topic Question on Page Heading for Sociable menu.
June 8 at 11:48 am
Hi, I have created Activities type front end menu of Sociable. In Joomla menu item configuration - I have gone to Page Display, set Show Page Heading as YES... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Profile - Edit option does not open up.
June 7 at 4:35 pm
Hi, Eht profile edit page in the front end opened up and gave me a message that php-fileinfo extension is to be installed. I went to my root login and installed... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 4:03 pm
Never mind above issue. It is sorted. Google maps requires a separate maps bill;ing account. I created that and now I don't get the error message. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 3:09 pm
google maps API obtained and configured. Activities opens up iin status tab. However in the Events tab I get the following error message. P.S.: I have... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 1:29 pm
How do I get a google maps API key? Is it chargeable? Once I add Google maps API key - then after that will it show the status tab by default? -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 11:51 am
Another help needed. this might need a CSS customization for my template and hence need your help. Check attached image. After I changed to bootstrap 3 in the options... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Profile - Edit option does not open up.
June 7 at 11:42 am
I enabled some plougins - please check attached images and let me know if I need to enable any other plugin. P.S.: Edit of profile is still in moving dots mode bnut... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 11:31 am
Front end URL : Username : anil Password : test123# -
ad682005 replied to the topic Profile - Edit option does not open up.
June 7 at 11:28 am
maverick wrote: Your profiles menu should not be empty, there must be at least one default profile created by the installer. Try... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Profile - Edit option does not open up.
June 7 at 11:25 am
maverick wrote: ad682005 wrote: Another question. Please check attached image. The points,... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Query on Sociable Acitivities menu.
June 7 at 11:17 am
1. Scan for activity rules from activity rules page in backend (this will install points and badge rules as well) DONE 2. Make sure you have... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Profile - Edit option does not open up.
June 7 at 11:13 am
Another question. Please check attached image. The points, followers counts are shown in vertical layout instead of horizontal mode. And at the bottom, I do not see any of the... -
ad682005 created new topic Profile - Edit option does not open up.
June 7 at 10:55 am
Hi, I installed Sociable just now. In the Profile tab, when I click on Edit profile.. I just get the three dots moving. It does not open up the edit profile tab even...