Anil Dagia
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 30 at 7:43 am
OK. So I think that this works like this For purpose of moderating permission for category - if it is set to Denied - then auto publish. - If it is set... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Incorrect reputation/activity data on first display.
June 30 at 7:39 am
Hi, Is this fix released? Seems like fixed but I did not get any updated version for CJForum - hence I am not sure. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues identified in the Groups Create/Edit.
June 30 at 7:34 am
maverick wrote: #cj-wrapper .btn-group {font-size: 14px;} I put this override. Now what happens is if I hover... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 24 at 5:37 pm
As of now - nothing is shown in the CJLib queue as of today. Refer attached image. Tomorrow I shall test by enabling moderate topic and reply as Allowed and then... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 24 at 3:13 pm
Updated the categroy permissions - changed Moderate Topics & Moderate Replies to "Inherit". This will make the posting of topic to remain unpublished and show message on... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 23 at 3:11 pm
I tested this again. If topic is not autopublished (meaning it needs to be approved - no email generated/sent to administrator. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Forum topics is asking for approval from Administrator.
June 23 at 3:10 pm
got it. So by default keep it as inherit at compnent level and any category which requires auto publish - set moderate permission as denied for that category. Tested &... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 23 at 2:59 pm
maverick wrote: When it is moderated, the administrator will get the email notification. You can configure the email notifications and... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Forum topics is asking for approval from Administrator.
June 23 at 2:57 pm
But if the Moderate Topic and Moderate Reply is permission denied at Component level for a user group then at category level - the permission is shown as Not Allowed... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 23 at 2:08 pm
SOLVED. If the topic is auto published then it sends the emails to users who have subscribed to that category. But what if a topic is not autopublished and is sent to... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Forum topics is asking for approval from Administrator.
June 23 at 2:07 pm
SOLVED. I found another forum topic in which you had given suggestion to disable moderate topic & moderate replies at component level. I did that and now... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 23 at 1:45 pm
P.S.: - "CjForum - Topics" plugin is enabled and configured to send emails. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 23 at 12:04 pm
Could this be that becuase the forum topic is not getting published automatically at time of posting and therefore New Topic email is not being sent to users subscribed for... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Forum topics is asking for approval from Administrator.
June 23 at 12:03 pm
From what I remember when I first installed CJForum - I need to enable Edit Own State permission. Which I have done. Still it is posting the topic as unpublished, not... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues identified in the Groups Create/Edit.
June 23 at 11:52 am
maverick wrote: Edit: The buttons display is related to your template css. You need to add a little css code hack to fix... -
ad682005 created new topic Sending email to people who have subscribed to a topic.
June 23 at 8:38 am
If a user has subscribed to a category, then they are supposed to receive email when a topic is posted in that category. Do I need to configure anything to enable this... -
ad682005 created new topic Forum topics is asking for approval from Administrator.
June 23 at 8:15 am
Hi, Using CJForum, when I post a topic in any of my categories, I get a message saying "Your topic is now sent to Administrator for approval" How do I disable... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues identified in the Groups Create/Edit.
June 20 at 2:32 pm
Thanks. Will await next release. P.S.: What about the issue numbers 3 & 4? Do you need to investigate further? I ask because I would like to disable the support... -
ad682005 replied to the topic Several issues identified in the Groups Create/Edit.
June 20 at 8:22 am
Were you able to identify this issue? I had sent you login details via contact us form. -
ad682005 replied to the topic Incorrect reputation/activity data on first display.
June 18 at 4:56 pm
Any estimate of when this fix is expected?