We are pleased to announce the much awaited feature release of Community Polls 2. With over 5 months of development, we have added many exiting features to power your community websites. Here is a brief intro about the new features.

  1. Two new charts - Image bar chart and Image pie chart
  2. Multiple poll support - Random poll & Polls anywhere update for supporting multiple polls on same page
  3. Poll creation from backend - Now you can add polls from both front-end and back-end
  4. Color palletes - No more fixed colors for charts, choose from different color palletes
  5. Linking answers - Now you can attach hyperlink to the poll answers along with adding images for each answer
  6. New dashboard page for more beautiful and customizable front-end
  7. Full rewrite - The front-end is fully rewritten for best performance
  8. Improved bookmarking: Better sharing tools
  9. New timeline graphs for displaying voting timeline
  10. Natural search feature
  11. Improved poll suggestions - Now loads on demand to reduce load on your server
  12. Facebook comments support
  13. Tableless design

You can see the full change log  - Community Polls change log