We are pleased to announce Community Crosswords release 2.0.0 beta 2. It's been over a year many people are asking for UTF-8 support for crosswords questions (although other part of the component is UTF-8 enabled) and it is here now. Here is the brief overview of the new features:

  • UTF-8 support for Crossword questions/keywords
  • Keyboard events, now move cursor with keyboard arrow keys withing crossword grid
  • Faster processing: The entire crossword logic is redesigned and is not only faster than previous one, but also takes takes very less database calls.
  • New question helper area: Now a tooltip area shows selected question on top of the crossword grid, no need to look down for what the question you are answering
  • Crossword description: Now you can add description for the crossword with either WYSIWYG editor or BBCode editor
  • Improved bookmarking tools: No more sharethis API key is required. configurable buttons.
  • Improved UI layout: Fully redesigned layout makes you feel more comfirtable
  • Local theme selection: If you are using other corejoomla extensions, this will help you choose component specific theme

So go ahead and download the new beta to test it on your local server. Please report any issues and bugs on forum so the we can quickly deliver the stable release.