
We are pleased to introduct the Community Surveys v4 (beta) release. This is a major refactor since v3. We touched each and every line of code to build an altogether a new experience without losing the already perfect featureset. Here are some major enhancements in this release.

Ajax Responses: From v4, your users can respond to your surveys without leaving the page. i.e all responses are now powered by ajax. It's not just comfortable for your users but also helps in reducing the traffic and faster in delivering required content.

New Router: Now your survey urls are more search engine friendly, you can even customize them using your menu items. We rebuilt entire routing functions.

Two New Themes: The component by default comes with two new themes one for Bootstrap 2 based templates and other for Bootstrap 3 based templates. Sites with no Bootstrap can still use these themes by simply enabling load bootstrap option. Or you can easily override and customize the default template to match your site look.

6 New Color Options: You can change the color theme of all pages with single click, no overrides required. A new configuration option to switch between 6 color options.

New Rating Questions: This release introduces another question type taking the total number of available question types to 19. The new rating questions can allow you to take simple and easy rating on multiple questions at a time. 

New Email Templates: Now you can customize the email templates for both notifications and invitations right inside the component. You can design your template with your favorite Joomla editor.

Joomla! Automatic Updates: Support for one click automatic updates is added. You can update the component within your admin site just like Joomla! updates. Please make sure that you have updated your download id in CjLib component options. You can find your download id on right sidebar here. ---------->

Redesigned Invitations: Invitations page is redesigned to fix many bugs and adds end-to-end functionality on same page. 

Redesigned Surveys Listing: Surveys listing pages on backend is redesigned to match other Joomla core components and look and feel the same way. Multiple filtering options are added for easy navigation. Front-end listing page is redesigned for better look and feel.

Redesigned Report Pages: All reports pages are redesigned and new features added. For example, browsers are grouped by browser type, locations shown on map etc.

Survey Editing and Moderation: Now you can trash and recover the surveys instead of deleting permanantly. Also new checks in place to disallow multiple users editing the same survey.

Tons on new options: Many new configuration options are added to customize each and every part of the component both at survey level and global level. Redesigned the form page for each access of all the options.

New Permission Settings: Few new permission settings are added to give more control on your surveys. Now permissions can be configured at Global, Category or Survey level.

New Responses Listing: Added a new page on backend to show and manage list of responses across all surveys. You can take a look at what happening if you have multiple surveys.

Import Surveys: Now you can import and export the surveys. Help you in easily migrate for example from staging to production with just a couple of clicks.

One Click Migration: If you are using Community Surveys v3, migrating to v4 is super simple. Once you install the new package, just go to the migration page and click on migrate button. Rest will be taken care by the component.

Joomla 3 only: CS v4 supports Joomla 3.4.1 or above versions only. If you are still using earlier versions, please keep using CS v3.8.4 until you are good to with latest Joomla version. 

New My Surveys page: A new page is introduced for front-end users to easily manage their surveys.

CjForum Support Added: Added the support for CjForum avatars, activity stream and points system. A new plugin is introduced to customize all these options not just for CjForum but any of the supported component you are using.

Beta: Please note that v4 is still a beta release. Do not use this on production websites as it may contain bugs, although no show stoppers.

Update: Final version is out on 15-Nov-2015