GPS Track not adding points to Leader board or AUP

  • teddy
  • 12 months ago
Mav -

I have GPS Tracks set to AUP for points. There is no parameter in GPS Tracks to set the amount of points earned - so do I need to create a rule in AUP in order to accomplish this? According to the documentation in AUP when I create a rule I need to define a function. Can you explain how to do this please.


This is from AUP - and I was wondering when I select AUP inside GPS Tracks -does this write the API code referenced below or do I need to manually insert?

[quote]AlphaUserPoints - How create a plugin - (Basic)

The creation of a plugin (creation of a new rule for a third component) is divided into 2 phases.

Step 1 - Inserting API in your component
This course is aimed primarily at developers or any person with a level of knowledge sufficiently advanced in PHP.

Simply insert the following API in the code component to where you want. The ideal is to follow an action that can bring items to the connected user. For example, in a component of any comments or forum, simply add the API after insertion source code of the commentary or new topic in the database.


$api_AUP = JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_alphauserpoints'.DS.'helper.php';
if ( file_exists($api_AUP))
require_once ($api_AUP);
AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints( 'function_name' );

function_name is the rule which will be used to award points to the current user (if registered and logged).
For all the rules included in AlphaUserPoints (systems), the function names are written as follows:

example: sysplgaup_newregistered for awarding points to a new registered user.

It should keep a nomage standard for plugin-third of components as follows:


Example plgaup_new_comment or plgaup_kunena_topic_reply to resume the example of the inclusion of this component API in a comment or Kunena forum.
The name of a function to award points when creating a new topic posted in the component Kunena could be, for example, plgaup_kunena_topic_create.

Step 2 - Add a new rule in the rules manager
Go to the rules manager and click on New button (Toolbar). Fill all fields necessary and publish this new rule. Then save it.

You can also click on the toolbar button in rules manager or Plugins button control panel component, and then select the file. Zip or. Xml containing the new rule. Upload the file. If the file is uploaded correctly, a new rule will add to the existing list. Set this new rule and enable there to suit your needs.

Note to developers

You can find the complete documentation to insert and use this API in your components on official website author[/quote]

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