Polls Submission Form Broken and not Working

  • yorai85
  • 10 months ago
i've installed community form and published 2 forms from the back-end.
i published a random-poll module and voting is working great.

now i'm trying to let registered user craet new polls - but i have 2 big problems, both can be seen in this url:

1. the form layout is broken for some reason, and the "add url to answer" part is shown bellow the site footer.

2. nothing happanes when you click the "submit poll" button (translated to hebrew).

i've tryed several things.
- first i had a template override and i removed it, but it didn't help.
- tryed to enable/disable jquery/bootstrap, didn't help.
- also disabled other component - JFBConnect - from loadin jquery -didn't help.
- checked all ACL settings.

Site info:
- joomla version 2.5.24
- CP version 3.5.2

another question if i'm already writing here, isn't there a menu item that comes with CP for creating a new poll?
seems reasnble to have 1 so i can create a "create new poll" menu item, but i don't see 1 in the menu items options.

hope that you can help
thanks alot in advance
Yorai Ronen

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