maverick replied to the topic single line freetext regex.
October 16 at 5:26 pm
Please read below documentation: -
tops911 replied to the topic CSS issue and other concerns about Community Surveys.
October 16 at 12:30 pm
Hi -
master_b replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
October 16 at 11:14 am
maverick wrote:This turnout to be a bug and fix is available on github. Please check your site... -
master_b replied to the topic Fatal error Badges crash JomSocial.
October 16 at 11:05 am
add. forgot say api.php -
master_b created new topic Fatal error Badges crash JomSocial.
October 16 at 11:02 am
Hi try use badges (cjBlog latest version) with latest version of JomSocial 4.4.4, joomla 3.8.1 php -
gdolet created new topic single line freetext regex.
October 16 at 9:55 am
Hi, How can I setup a regex rule, on single line freetext to check that value is a number with 1 or 2 digits Regards -
eudes said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic with Corejoomlaquiz - 4-5-2, i cannot delete questions.
October 15 at 10:08 pm
This issue is fixed in v4.5.3. -
maverick replied to the topic with Corejoomlaquiz - 4-5-2, i cannot delete questions.
October 15 at 9:07 pm
This issue is fixed in v4.5.3. -
maverick replied to the topic v4.1.6 Track Colors?.
October 15 at 8:38 pm
To avoid such confusion, I will change the first color of the colors array to blue along with the desc. -
eudes created new topic with Corejoomlaquiz - 4-5-2, i cannot delete questions.
October 15 at 7:16 pm
hello, i think thre is a bug with corejoomlaquiz 4-5-2 1-with Corejoomlaquiz - 4-5-2, i cannot delete... -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic v4.1.6 Track Colors?.
October 15 at 12:35 pm
You may want to update also Sigle line coler DESC as not affect Track, but Char "only"... Thk, Gil -
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic v4.1.6 Track Colors?.
October 15 at 12:33 pm
Ok, So please update DESC : "Tracks Line Colors" (when there are multiple tracks...) as it affects ALL Tracks and MOSTLY SINGLE TRACK... -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.6: Track view marker from Elevation spot - faded away.
October 15 at 11:40 am
Fixed in v4.1.7 -
webmaster.cyclo created new topic GPS Tools V4.1.6: Track spot from Elevation not present.
October 15 at 10:41 am
Hi Maverick, Before v4.1.6 in Track view, we could spot a point on elevation chart and it will display a MARKER on track map. After upgrade to v4.1.6, this... -
webmaster.cyclo liked a reply to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.6: "imagick" PHP Warning in error_log.
October 15 at 8:47 am
webmaster.cyclo replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.6: "imagick" PHP Warning in error_log.
October 15 at 8:47 am
Thanks Maverick for your expertise. Will post to Joomla team, -
maverick replied to the topic Empty responses.
October 14 at 7:22 pm
A new response is created only when the questions are displayed. If your survey is public and accessible to search engines, please enable intro page so that the new response... -
maverick replied to the topic GPS Tools V4.1.6: "imagick" PHP Warning in error_log.
October 14 at 7:18 pm
tcpdf library uses it to handle images which are not natively supported or supported by GD. However, the tcpdf library has checks to see if imagick library is already... -
maverick replied to the topic v4.1.6 Track Colors?.
October 14 at 7:09 pm
Yes, the map will use colors array instead of single color irrespective of the number of tracks. The single color field is used by rest of the elements i.e.... -
adoucette created new topic Empty responses.
October 14 at 6:59 pm
It seems that community surveys records a response in the database every time the survey is visited - whether or not the "finish" or "save" button is clicked. This has...