replied to the topic Updating to 4.6.3 breaks Community Surveys.
January 23 at 11:21 am
Are you using any backup tools such as AkeebaBackup? -
madjari replied to the topic Updating to 4.6.3 breaks Community Surveys.
January 23 at 7:37 am
Hi, 1. the previous version I update from is 4.5.5 2. I update by installing through the Joomla! installer (Extensions - Manage - Install) via Drag & Drop.... -
maverick replied to the topic Users automatically subscribed in all categories by error.
January 22 at 9:44 pm
Just delete all rows from xxx_answers_subscriptions page. -
maverick replied to the topic Updating to 4.6.3 breaks Community Surveys.
January 22 at 9:44 pm
The script to add this new column is already existing in the updater script. It's little strange that the column does not get automatically created. Could you please let me... -
disliked the topic Users automatically subscribed in all categories by error.
January 22 at 9:36 pm
By installing Community Answers Pro, the "Auto Subscribe Users" function was enabled. We have found that all users receive a notification email each time there is a question... -
disliked the topic Users automatically subscribed in all categories by error.
January 22 at 9:36 pm
By installing Community Answers Pro, the "Auto Subscribe Users" function was enabled. We have found that all users receive a notification email each time there is a question... -
paulo25ci created new topic Users automatically subscribed in all categories by error.
January 22 at 7:46 pm
By installing Community Answers Pro, the "Auto Subscribe Users" function was enabled. We have found that all users receive a notification email each time there is a question... -
paulo25ci replied to the topic The site is very slow since the installation.
January 22 at 7:42 pm
Hello, Thans for your help. Issue has been solved. -
madjari created new topic Updating to 4.6.3 breaks Community Surveys.
January 22 at 2:00 pm
When updating my Community Surveys to 4.6.3 I get an error whenever I try to submit a survey. Obviusly the column curr_page in the table #__survey_responses is missing... -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
January 22 at 9:44 am
ohhhhhh sorry I did not noticed you made an update of cjforum. Version 2.04 is for not for the -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
January 22 at 9:34 am
Sorry to ask, but is it integrated in jforum installation ? -
replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
January 22 at 9:23 am
I used Z3bra_Image library for thumbnails. -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
January 22 at 8:13 am
Hello, Where do you download the thumbnail maker library ? Is it a joomla... -
maverick replied to the topic Avatars display is a bit screwed up now.
January 21 at 4:57 pm
This issue is fixed in v2.0.4. -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic how to grant ability to modify profile.
January 21 at 2:37 pm
It was not enabled after installation. I did it after installation. But may be we have to synch anyway the first time because the plugin is not enabled by default -
maverick replied to the topic Who is online not really accurate.
January 21 at 12:18 pm
This information is directly taken from Joomla! session details and not calculated manually. Visitors information is directly proportional to your session time set in Joomla!... -
maverick replied to the topic how to grant ability to modify profile.
January 21 at 12:16 pm
It is because your users are not synced. Please check if "Users - CjForum" plugin is enabled. This plugin will do automatic synchronization whenever a new user is added so... -
kristobal1969 created new topic Who is online not really accurate.
January 21 at 11:38 am
What about the Who is online ? informations ? It seems to give uncorrect information. I am sure that the number of users online is less than... -
kristobal1969 replied to the topic how to grant ability to modify profile.
January 21 at 11:21 am
That worked for me. I have more than 500 users, is it a reason ? Will it be necessary to do that in some occasions ? Thanks -
maverick replied to the topic Again: Please Wait.
January 21 at 1:16 am
You can find such issues easily using Chrome developer console. Joomla already comes with jQuery library. If you are using some template which is using its own...