maverick replied to the topic front end - create quiz - bar disappear.
February 6 at 1:49 am
Please send me using Contact Us page. -
andybon replied to the topic disabling API subscriber.
February 6 at 1:15 am
NEWSFLASH- I think I've solved it! Looks like it was the ordering of my plugins causing the trouble. I use HELIX framework - and moved the... -
ibweb created new topic View Results of Closed Polls on Frontend.
February 5 at 10:49 pm
I have a Polls List menu item where users are able to log in and edit polls on the site. When clicking on a poll to view its details, there would typically be results showing... -
Vin replied to the topic EDIT TITLE: "try our advanced search" - Incompatibility with Joomla 3.8.4.
February 5 at 9:10 pm
Good evening. As I posted in another thread too, I had this problem: "try our advanced search" would not point to the CA Search menu item. I have 2 identical... -
Apps Proyectos replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 7:04 pm
OK, the form menu item's link is: index.php?option=com_communityanswers&view=form&layout=edit but in getFormRoute from the helper you are returning... -
fibarra02 replied to the topic front end - create quiz - bar disappear.
February 5 at 6:27 pm
I'm sorry I'm new on this, how can I give the URL and administrator's password privately to review my problem? Other problem, I cant make it work loading a quiz in an article.... -
Apps Proyectos replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 6:12 pm
I replaced the same in mod_caform and know the search url is parsed as spected, but the form still redirecting... -
Apps Proyectos replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 5:55 pm
OK, that solves the issue in ask form, but what about ca_form module and ask form redirection to complete question's fields... About question's fields:... -
maverick replied to the topic front end - create quiz - bar disappear.
February 5 at 4:57 pm
I can only guess what is happening there without seeing the page. Try to add below css override. ... -
maverick replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 4:50 pm
Found where the issue is. Edit components/com_communityanswers/layouts/default(or bs3)/ask_form.php and find <a href="/<?php echo... -
fibarra02 replied to the topic front end - create quiz - bar disappear.
February 5 at 3:21 pm
Hello Maverick: Thanks for your help, in frontend when I want to add questions to the Quiz the... -
Apps Proyectos replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 3:16 pm
I just realized that it only adds: ?view=search to the end of the actual url instead of calculate the url searching for a menu item for that... -
Apps Proyectos replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 3:01 pm
Sure! None of those are working. If i fill the ask from i will be redirectect to another wrong url insted of -
replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 2:42 pm
It is difficult to tell you what is the issue with local offline sites. I request you to post a screenshot of your menu items. -
andybon replied to the topic disabling API subscriber.
February 5 at 12:36 pm
Thanks - I've just sent through my website superadmin and fitbit API access details. In trying to find the issue I did disable all plugins but that didn't seem to help... -
Apps Proyectos replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 11:54 am
Hi! Sorry for the delay. I am using joomla 3.8.3. I have all component's menu item created, but with no luck. I am... -
Vin replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 10:42 am
Can I still count on some help on this issue or not? -
Mariosgr said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Poll not showing.
February 5 at 9:57 am
Sorry for the delay. I am still working on it. -
Vin replied to the topic Seo url for advanced search doesn't seem to work.
February 5 at 7:29 am
Thanks, but the site is offline.. -
maverick replied to the topic disabling API subscriber.
February 5 at 4:16 am
So it must be something else. Since you did not do any changes to cjfit component, it might be some other plugin causing issue. Can you please send me your website details via...