maverick replied to the topic Whoops! cannot limit posts display in a category.
February 7 at 3:55 am
I couldn't reproduce this issue. Line 57 of models/topics.php uses this parameter and defaults to your global list limit. Check if this code is same... -
maverick replied to the topic remove Last replied Ballon.
February 7 at 3:14 am
rotec wrote: Also... (if I can jump in here)... when you click on that "ballon", you would reasonably expect to be taken to the... -
maverick replied to the topic remove Last replied Ballon.
February 7 at 3:10 am
rotec wrote: Also... (if I can jump in here)... when you click on that "ballon", you would reasonably expect to be taken to the... -
maverick replied to the topic remove Last replied Ballon.
February 7 at 3:03 am
There is no configuration option available to remove that callout button, it is shown automatically when someone replied to the topic. Please post a feature request on to add... -
maverick liked a reply to the topic Category lists display 'description' ( teaser) CjForum Module.
February 7 at 2:56 am
maverick replied to the topic guest user error on attachments....
February 7 at 2:55 am
Can you clear your site cache? The download link should only be displayed if the user is authorized. As I can see in the first screenshot the public user group is denied... -
rotec created new topic Whoops! cannot limit posts display in a category.
February 7 at 12:52 am
I just noticed... if I set the List Layouts | List Limit to 5, 10, 20... whatever. Doesn't take effect! It still paginates out 100 topics per page -
rotec replied to the topic remove Last replied Ballon.
February 6 at 11:34 pm
Also... (if I can jump in here)... when you click on that "ballon", you would reasonably expect to be taken to the last reply in the thread. Instead,... -
Mamue created new topic remove Last replied Ballon.
February 6 at 9:10 pm
Dont find an option to remove the Last Replied Icon with The First Letter Of User before the Replie Count Configuration Layout Listlayout show last... -
rotec replied to the topic Category lists display 'description' ( teaser) CjForum Module.
February 6 at 6:50 pm
which fieldset does that belong in? -
rotec said thank you to Maverick M for his/her reply to the topic Category lists display 'description' ( teaser) CjForum Module.
February 6 at 6:17 pm
I quickly implemented this. Added a field in the list layout parameters in administrator/components/com_cjforum/config.xml <field name="list_show_intro"... -
rotec liked a reply to the topic Category lists display 'description' ( teaser) CjForum Module.
February 6 at 6:16 pm
rotec replied to the topic guest user error on attachments....
February 6 at 6:14 pm
OK, I found that the Public permissions were set to view replies, so that explains that. re-setting them has solved the 'public viewing replies'... -
maverick replied to the topic poll's form does not reload automaticlly after voting, since upgrade to 5.0.2.
February 6 at 4:43 pm
What is the version of the component you are using? Do you have any custom overrides in media/com_communitypolls/js/cj.polls.min.js? -
maverick replied to the topic "polls anywhere" template stopped working after upgrade to 5.0.2.
February 6 at 4:40 pm
The file names are not changed, you should see your changes after replacing them. Please try clearing the cache and try again. -
moktar-br replied to the topic Newbie Need Help !!!.
February 6 at 10:30 am
Thank you for your response , i did some changes in this page but nothing change !! <a href=""><img... -
maverick replied to the topic Newbie Need Help !!!.
February 6 at 10:24 am
The url points to components/com_communitypolls/views/poll/tmpl/default.php You can add your code here. -
moktar-br created new topic Newbie Need Help !!!.
February 6 at 9:07 am
Hello, first thank you guys for your amazing work , so i'm web developer( -
moktar-br created new topic Newbie Need Help !!!.
February 6 at 8:58 am
Hello, first thank you guys for your amazing work , so i'm web developer(i'm...