mrssmas1 added the topic to his favorites: Change word Quote and ".
July 18 at 9:58 am
Hello, We would like to use this module for other purposes. It will not be used for quotes. It will be used as a page where our customers can leave testimonials, but... -
Biohof replied to the topic Community Surveys Invite URL does not work.
July 18 at 9:28 am
Yes, the survey has conditional rules. -
NosyWeb created new topic Public not allowed to access to survey page.
July 18 at 7:59 am
Hi, I have set the rights to Public authorised to Respond to Surveys (see image enclosed)The community Surveys version is 5.1.6The survey is... -
Vin replied to the topic Link to profile when avatar not present .
July 18 at 5:31 am
Thanks for your reply. The site is not online yet. Well, the username is still there, it just adds the link to the avatar trying to fetch it. How the... -
Vin replied to the topic checkbox label margin.
July 18 at 5:30 am
Thanks for your reply, the site is not online yet though. -
maverick replied to the topic How to enable only some user groups to answer questions.
July 18 at 3:08 am
Go to Components -> Community Answers -> Options -> Permissions tab Here you can configure create and answer permissions. -
maverick replied to the topic Link to profile when avatar not present .
July 18 at 3:08 am
It reminds me of an earlier issue with one of the plugins which was converting the username to link. Can you send me your website details to check it? -
maverick replied to the topic checkbox label margin.
July 18 at 3:05 am
Please let me know the page details to check it. -
maverick replied to the topic CA Questions Layout menu item doesn't show questions.
July 18 at 3:04 am
No. The questions in currently viewing category will always show. That option will allow you to display child category questions only. Where can I see the issue? -
maverick replied to the topic Some PDF Font Colors white/unreadable.
July 18 at 2:59 am
Try to change the layout of the print pdf to landscape in the print dialog box. That will allow fitting more content horizontally. -
maverick replied to the topic ReCaptcha on Community Answers.
July 18 at 2:58 am
Enable Create permission to public user group. -
Vin created new topic How to enable only some user groups to answer questions.
July 17 at 9:30 pm
Good evening, Is there any way to enable only some users to reply questions? I mean, like everyone can ask, but only some users can reply? How can I set what... -
Vin created new topic Url path to non existing avatar .
July 17 at 9:14 pm
Good evening, When the user asks a question, if he/she has the avatar, it gets displayed, and that's ok. But when the user has no avatar, the avatar gets replaced by a... -
Vin created new topic checkbox label margin.
July 17 at 8:40 pm
Good evening, in the "Question form" menu item, I can't get the "Subscribe" label a bit off the you can see in the attachment... tried many... -
cpaschen replied to the topic Some PDF Font Colors white/unreadable.
July 17 at 5:42 pm
OK... that significantly improved the layout. The bar graphs are showing perfectly now. However, the ring graph still has some of the numbers (all in white)... -
Vin replied to the topic ReCaptcha on Community Answers.
July 17 at 5:15 pm
Thank you very much, I know it's a bit off topic, but how to enable guest users to ask questions? Thanks! -
maverick replied to the topic ReCaptcha on Community Answers.
July 17 at 5:06 pm
Captcha is shown only to the guest users if you give them permission to post questions/answers. 1. Enable reCaptcha plugin from Joomla plugins page 2. Set... -
maverick replied to the topic Some PDF Font Colors white/unreadable.
July 17 at 5:04 pm
Print to PDF of CS do not use any PHP pdf libraries. It simply loads the printer friendly format and opens your browser's print page. You can save it to pdf using browser's... -
Vin created new topic ReCaptcha on Community Answers.
July 17 at 4:52 pm
Good evening, how to enable ReCaptcha for Community Answers? thanks -
Vin replied to the topic CA Questions Layout menu item doesn't show questions.
July 17 at 9:45 am
In Community Answers Configuration, under Category, I had "Include Subcategories" set t None and it prevented any category or question to show up. I didn't expect it, as I...