maverick replied to the topic pagination not working in newest version?.
March 11 at 2:57 am
I tried reproducing this issue but without success. I can see the pagination on both top and bottom like in the below topic. Do you have any layout overrides? -
holdsworthdesign replied to the topic A few issues I'm running into .
March 11 at 1:15 am
Thanks, that's helpful. I scanned the activities and everything's enabled, but when I go to the activities page, it still says there are no recent activities. -
rotec replied to the topic pagination not working in newest version?.
March 10 at 6:24 pm
In a PERFECT WORLD, we could have pagination top and bottom - with Seach box DISABLED and top pagination locted in the place where the "search box" normally shows up... and... -
rotec replied to the topic pagination not working in newest version?.
March 10 at 6:21 pm
Also - there seems to be some wierd interaction with the "Show search bar" and "Show jump to forum" controls... different combinations of them can make the bottom pagination... -
rotec replied to the topic pagination not working in newest version?.
March 10 at 5:26 pm
(specifically referring to pagination of replies in a multi-reply topic - we have many of these that can span dozens of pages...) -
rotec created new topic pagination not working in newest version?.
March 10 at 5:19 pm
I can only get "bottom" working... setting pagination to both ( "Above and Below" - which is what I want) displays NONE. Same with "top"... Is there... -
maverick replied to the topic A few issues I'm running into .
March 10 at 4:11 pm
The recent activities will display activity streams of the activities that you enable. - Go to... -
maverick replied to the topic Required fields sign.
March 10 at 4:23 am
I just noticed that you have created altogether a new layout folder inside the main component layouts folder. This is not allowed as there is no option to choose the new... -
maverick liked a reply to the topic CJForum 3.3.0 Error on updating.
March 9 at 2:41 am
paxxus replied to the topic CJForum 3.3.0 Error on updating.
March 8 at 7:23 pm
Hi All folders had permission 755. I manage to resolve this by creating the folder "hybridauth" inside "vendor->hybridauth" and then installed the CJForum... -
maverick replied to the topic CJForum 3.3.0 Error on updating.
March 8 at 4:14 am
This looks to be a permissions issue. As requested in your email, can you check the folder permissions and if it does not resolve the issue, can you send me your website... -
paxxus created new topic CJForum 3.3.0 Error on updating.
March 7 at 5:32 pm
Hi When trying to install (update) to the latest version 3.3.0 there is an error ... -
maverick replied to the topic Email reminders?.
March 6 at 3:19 am
This is not possible right now from the tool but possible starting Community Surveys v5.4.0. -
maverick replied to the topic Community Survey Access Level Bug Maybe.
March 6 at 3:17 am
Access level can only stop access to restricted set of people. You need to edit survey and set the "Finish Publishing" date to stop taking responses anymore. -
steveo created new topic Email reminders?.
March 5 at 10:28 pm
Is it possible to email non-respondents a reminder to take the survey? I have used such things on other survey platforms. My experience is that you get half of the... -
lacwebadmin created new topic Community Survey Access Level Bug Maybe.
March 5 at 5:02 pm
Hi Maverick, We have this survey that is already done, I changed the Access Level to something that only Super User and the Group of people who would analyze the... -
maverick replied to the topic MaxMind error message.
March 5 at 5:02 pm
You can get a license for a free city database. Please read the faq here: -
drklewis created new topic MaxMind error message.
March 5 at 3:15 pm
Hello I have just purchased this software bundle for my Community Interest Company and having installed it, I am experiencing the following error message with... -
maverick replied to the topic How to stop non subscribedl users receiving emailed alerts for new questions and answers?.
March 5 at 9:45 am
Delete all entries from the table XXX_answers_subscriptions -
CCANSW replied to the topic How to stop non subscribedl users receiving emailed alerts for new questions and answers?.
March 5 at 3:38 am
I'm sure I am missing something here; every one of our users is subscribed to every question, every answer. Those complaining tell me they did not...