situsidnpokerr liked a reply to the topic Images not showing.
September 11 at 6:35 am
situsidnpokerr liked a reply to the topic Images not showing.
September 11 at 6:35 am
situsidnpokerr liked the topic Images not showing.
September 11 at 6:35 am
Problem 1 We are looking to set up a question where there is a picture of a product with a question "have you used this product" with a simple... -
situsidnpokerr said thank you to Susan Charalambous for his/her reply to the topic Images not showing.
September 11 at 6:35 am
Thank you, sent by PM! -
maverick replied to the topic Images not showing.
September 10 at 5:22 pm
You have selected the default tinymce as the editor in the Community Surveys options (Components -> Community Surveys -> Options -> Integration -> Default Editor).... -
maverick replied to the topic Images not showing.
September 10 at 3:36 am
1. Please make sure your editor is not adding relative URLs in the content. For example, images/test.png is relative to whatever the URL is loaded in but not the location of... -
Fresh99 created new topic Images not showing.
September 9 at 2:40 pm
We are looking to set up a question where there is a picture of a product with a question "have you used this product" with a simple yes or no choice... -
rotec replied to the topic Problem giving "Thank You".
September 8 at 6:35 pm
Mysterious... checked this code fix in three different browsers; the normal users (Joomla permissions 'registered, Paid' or 'registered,Free') are working normally. But my... -
rotec liked a reply to the topic Problem giving "Thank You".
September 8 at 4:51 pm
rotec said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Problem giving "Thank You".
September 8 at 4:51 pm
Here is the code change you need to make to allow multiple thank you for the superuser. components/com_cjforum/layouts/LAYOUTNAME/topic/reply.php line... -
maverick replied to the topic Problem giving "Thank You".
September 8 at 4:41 pm
Here is the code change you need to make to allow multiple thank you for the superuser. components/com_cjforum/layouts/LAYOUTNAME/topic/reply.php line... -
rotec replied to the topic Problem giving "Thank You".
September 8 at 3:20 pm
Still having this issue... can we please fix it so that Admin (superuser) can alwaysThank, without any restrictions? I frequently have to... -
matej_polje replied to the topic Track hits are deleted.
September 3 at 11:09 am
Thx. It seems ok now. brgds -
themescene liked a reply to the topic I'm getting RC=2 Invalid file type error.
September 3 at 9:32 am
themescene liked the topic Track hits are deleted.
September 3 at 9:31 am
Hello, when track content in backend is updated after "save"/"save & close" button press all hits of that particular track on frontend are deleted to... -
daniellewatson said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Parameters for publishing a question.
September 2 at 7:58 pm
Unfortunately, the publishing options are handled by Joomla which still utilizes Bootstrap2 classes unless your template implements them on their own style. Hence I made that... -
maverick replied to the topic Track hits are deleted.
September 2 at 2:31 pm
Need to change code to fix the bug. administrator/components/com_gpstools/models/forms/track.xml... -
matej_polje created new topic Track hits are deleted.
September 2 at 11:35 am
Hello, when track content in backend is updated after "save"/"save & close" button press all hits of that particular track on frontend are deleted to... -
Munna123 said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic FB like button comments box CSS.
September 2 at 5:52 am
I do not add any comment box but what you shown is correct. The code is what I got from fb docs. I will check if i can remoce it.