Maverick replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 6 at 6:50 pm
Check this: -
Jordan Weinstein replied to the topic Results display.
November 6 at 5:50 pm
OK thanks. Plase let me know when you add it so I can update the component. I appreicate you considering it. -
Phivos Constantinou replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 6 at 5:14 pm
Dear Maverick, Tanks for the prompt response. This is for community polls yes. Sorry for the inconvenience but we have not installed any plugin. We just have core joomla. Therefore, from your above reply we understand that we have to install a plugin in order to make the youtube videos work? Which one do you suggest? Regards, Phivos Constantinou -
Maverick replied to the topic Results display.
November 6 at 4:20 pm
I will add an option to choose what is the default behavior. Agree some people prefer to see the results first for the polls they voted on. -
Maverick replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 6 at 4:16 pm
If it is for CP, then check with your youtube plugin developer if they support components other than Joomla articles. CP by default trigger content plugins but which components to handle is completely depend on plugin developer. -
Maverick replied to the topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 6 at 4:13 pm
Is this question for CjBlog or Community Polls? -
Maverick replied to the topic howto show article on a separate page.
November 6 at 4:12 pm
Create menu items for each top level category with menu item type as "Articles -> Articles Category". Usually any article will fall back to -> Single article menu item with it-> Category menu item-> Home page menu item in above order. -
Maverick replied to the topic Quiz Opens on New Window and Return Button on Result Page.
November 6 at 4:10 pm
1. Are you using v3 or v4? In v4, its all ajax response so it will not move out of the page. 2. Did you enabled toolbar? -
Maverick replied to the topic Bigger "Start Quiz" button .
November 6 at 4:07 pm
Good suggestion. components/com_communityquiz/views/quiz/tmpl/default.php line 124 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-create" to <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-create btn-large btn-lg" -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Polls Update.
November 6 at 4:03 pm
Checked your website and found, not just front-end but some of the admin pages like global configuration are not opening. So this must be some other issue but not the installer. Please send me your ftp details by replying my email. I will fix it for you. -
Jordan Weinstein created new topic Results display.
November 6 at 3:29 pm
Hello, In community polls, when setting restriction on whether a user can vote more than once, all functions well. However, if a user visits a poll that he has voted on, then instead of showing the poll form, it should simply display the results not the form. Of course, the user could simply click 'Show results' but I like to hide that button with CSS to prevent people from viewing the resuts withot voting first. Would it be possible to modify the component or allow an user option to show results automatically if voting restriction is in place and the user voted? Jordan -
Phivos Constantinou created new topic Youtube video not appearing after published.
November 6 at 11:52 am
Hi support. We run some times this period of time on our website and we came across this. Once we go to insert a youtube video through the youtube video function in the "description" tab, the video rectangle is displayed before submitting it. After this is published the youtube video is displayed in the format: [youtube]edb16zsGhJ0[/youtube] Please check the link below: How we can correct it? Regards, Phivos Constantinou -
FWM created new topic howto show article on a separate page.
November 6 at 7:43 am
When I open an article from the "CjBlog Articles Layout" it shows up in the start page. How can I open it in own page? -
Bryon created new topic Quiz Opens on New Window for Template Hide.
November 6 at 7:39 am
Is it possible to have an option for the quiz to open up on new window when user clicks on it? target="_blank" This is because some new users might be confused when the website template is suddenly gone. So users can have a tab which remains on the same page with template. -
Bryon created new topic Bigger "Start Quiz" button .
November 6 at 7:22 am
Is it possible to make the "Start Quiz" button much bigger? And also match the color of the theme / template. Currently it is fine but maybe not catchy enough. The font size could remain the same but maybe more space in the button or bigger button. A small icon beside the word to make it catchy can also be useful. Thanks. -
Joseph G. Lariosa replied to the topic Community Polls Update.
November 6 at 5:50 am
11/05/2015 After I followed your instructions, I downloaded the “pkg_community,” and downloaded it and installed to my extension. For a moment, the offending error message was gone but I can no longer view my website. How do I disable the package so that I will be able to view my site again: “”? Should I send you my backend user name and password? If so, if you go back to this thread, I gave them my user name and password and you check it out. Thanks. Joseph -
Maverick replied to the topic Multilanguage - German/English not fully working.
November 5 at 5:11 pm
That's because the language files are not up-to date on Transifex. I have pushed all languae files to transifex. Please merge your translations with the latest files. Please contribute your translations on Transifex so that other people can be benefitted too. -
Nadja Barghoorn replied to the topic Multilanguage - German/English not fully working.
November 5 at 3:27 pm
I put it from your site (4% translated). After deleting all ; and fully translation I was uploading it to my ftp. Now I tried the upload a third time and look - it is runnig very well. Maybe a problem with the upload or cache. -
Maverick replied to the topic Reports via answer to question / questions.
November 5 at 3:20 pm
If updated from v3 to v4, Go to Components->Community Surveys->Click on Migrate link on sidemenu and upgrade it. -
Maverick replied to the topic Multilanguage - German/English not fully working.
November 5 at 3:19 pm
Can you pls let me know from where you got the translaction?