Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic Are few features missing for frontend quizzes?.
December 24 at 2:50 pm
Ok Thanks.. -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic Facing issues with frontend adding and managing quizzes.
December 24 at 2:49 pm
Yeah I see bootstrap file is loaded twice. "templates/masterbootstrap/style/bootstrap.css" My template loads bootstrap. So I have disabled it in quiz. Quiz > options > Integration > Load Bootstrap CSS to No And using default layout. Is there any other setting too? -
Maverick replied to the topic Facing issues with frontend adding and managing quizzes.
December 24 at 2:09 pm
This is a known issue of duplicate bootstrap files loaded on same page. View source of your page and see if there are multiple bootstrap instances loaded, I believe it may be your template which is loading it. And then disable one of it and try it works,. -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Polls - Polls.
December 24 at 2:07 pm
Looks like the changes I applied are working, can you please check? -
Maverick replied to the topic Are few features missing for frontend quizzes?.
December 24 at 2:06 pm
The changes are not yet completed. Once done you can find update in your Joomla updates. -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. created new topic Facing issues with frontend adding and managing quizzes.
December 24 at 7:42 am
Hello, I have created frontend menus for the creating quiz and my quizzes list. I'm facing few issues like On My Quizzes - Publish/unpublish do not work - Trash/archive too inactive - When I click on any select box(dropdown), say Account or on trash/archive list. It is inactive on first click. And show up dropdown on second click.. Create Quiz - All the labels are hided on hover - On Question page, Many of the buttons and a tag buttons are hided. Why is this happening so? Please look at the images attached -
Ahmad Moussa replied to the topic Community Polls - Polls.
December 24 at 7:30 am New Link. -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic Are few features missing for frontend quizzes?.
December 24 at 6:54 am
Yeah. No problem.. I'm already using latest version 4.1.1 Instead of waiting for your next release, can you please send me the stable updated package or the needed files only? With the required changes. -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic How to override layouts from community quiz.
December 24 at 6:47 am
Thank you! This works. -
Bryon replied to the topic Not Authorized to View Quiz.
December 24 at 5:03 am
Ok. I have sent you through contact form. Please help to check. Thanks -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Polls - Polls.
December 24 at 4:12 am
The page is not accessible and also the random poll module is disabled. Looks like you are doing some changes in the site? -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Survey Survey - Loading .
December 24 at 3:42 am
I believe the issue is solved now. -
Ahmad Moussa replied to the topic Community Polls - Polls.
December 23 at 9:27 pm
Dear Admin, I send you admin access. Can you do it for me? Thanks in Advance. -
Ahmad Moussa replied to the topic Statistical Diagram is not shown .
December 23 at 9:13 pm
Dear Admin, Please be noted that I have sent it to you. Please can you check also the error I faced with Community Polls. Thanks in Advance. Ahmad -
Ahmad Moussa replied to the topic Community Survey Survey - Loading .
December 23 at 8:40 pm
Dear Admin, Please be noted that I have enable bootstrap 3 Layout. Please check the attached picture ....everything changed!!! Kindly for your help. Ahmad Moussa -
Maverick replied to the topic Are few features missing for frontend quizzes?.
December 23 at 4:14 pm
For pagination single file can be replaced. For filters, it could be multiple files. -
Maverick replied to the topic Not Authorized to View Quiz.
December 23 at 4:13 pm
No, can you send me the structure of CQ database tables? -
Osianama Learning Experience Pvt. Ltd. replied to the topic Are few features missing for frontend quizzes?.
December 23 at 6:52 am
Okay. Let me know once you add it. So that shall work with single file replace or do I need to install the package again? -
Bryon replied to the topic Not Authorized to View Quiz.
December 23 at 4:39 am
1) I dun think there's any custom plugin. I am only using the plugin that comes with the package. 2) Recently the database is moved to a new server. So could this be the problem? But the quiz loads correctly and other things are fine. Do you need admin login to check what is the problem? -
Maverick replied to the topic Community Polls - Polls.
December 23 at 3:12 am
Please add below css code in your template css file or in modules/mod_randompoll/assets/css/styles.css .rp-answer label {padding-left: 20px;}