Jose Arce created new topic Error message in poll.
January 12 at 3:21 pm
I created a poll and when I look on the front end I get this error message... Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /home/verizonupdatenj/public_html/components/com_communitypolls/models/poll.php on line 173 Please help! -
SCREEN BY PLAY replied to the topic Cannot redeclare class CommunityQuizModelQuiz.
January 12 at 11:46 am
It works, thank you! -
'Francesco Perin created new topic is possible to remove the: Poll created by ....
January 12 at 9:46 am
Hi, I do not want to see that in my polls the author and the days in the category page. Is possible ? -
Maverick replied to the topic Can't build survey.
January 12 at 3:08 am
Can you please send me your website details using contact us form to check the issue? -
Maverick replied to the topic Can't hide category list in community polls component.
January 12 at 2:48 am
Yes, v4.4.0 is already released. If you have setup your downloadid in CjLib component, you will get update notification and you can update it within your site. If not, you can download from downloads section here. -
Gene Crawford created new topic Can't build survey.
January 11 at 9:40 pm
Just purchase/installed Community Survey. Everything appears to be OK, however in the Survey Manage when I click 'Edit' to add questions to the survey I get the following page. When I click on any of the links, nothing happens. I installed the CjLib component, and I'm pretty sure I followed what instructions there were. Please advise. Gene Crawford Receipt No:1653-3308-9025-7826 -
Feras replied to the topic Can't hide category list in community polls component.
January 11 at 7:49 pm
Did you manage to release a new version? How can I get it? -
Maverick replied to the topic Cannot redeclare class CommunityQuizModelQuiz.
January 11 at 5:47 pm
This is a bug in the component. Do not publish any quiz modules (like Community Quiz module, Community Quiz Form module etc) on the quiz form page. -
SCREEN BY PLAY created new topic Cannot redeclare class CommunityQuizModelQuiz.
January 11 at 1:14 pm
Hello, i'm getting fatal error "Cannot redeclare class CommunityQuizModelQuiz in /home/s-itseq/ftp/global/xxx/components/com_communityquiz/models/quiz.php on line 12" after making menu position: Community Quizzes » Quiz Form I'm using Joomla 3.4.8. and community quiz 4.2.1. -
master said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 10 at 5:27 pm
1. Possible, with some code modifications. They all cannot put here, I could provide you the patched files. Send me a mail using contact us form. 3. What all language strings not present? -
master replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 10 at 5:25 pm
Maverick wrote: 1. Possible, with some code modifications. They all cannot put here, I could provide you the patched files. Send me a mail using contact us form. tnx work as i wish i think its modify must be in cjblog by default because is logical. admin exclude some category and it not visible for user and he cant choose it to write article -
Maverick created new article Community Polls v4.4.0 is released.
January 10 at 3:48 pm
We are pleased to announce Community Polls v4.4.0 release. We have added few most requested features in this release such as the ability to embed YouTube videos, EasySocial... -
Maverick replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 10 at 11:01 am
These are translated strings from English language. They are not hardcoded in source code. Please add translations in your language file to get them displayed in your language. -
master replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 10 at 9:24 am
3. home, discover, account, Fill basic details, Write your article here:, Write meta data:, My Points -
Maverick replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 10 at 4:59 am
1. Possible, with some code modifications. They all cannot put here, I could provide you the patched files. Send me a mail using contact us form. 3. What all language strings not present? -
master replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 9 at 9:28 pm
1. when user create blog is it possible hide from him excluded categories without changing permissions in joomla categories? because i use articles from them to all user groups on my site 2 create but still have error 403 (try public and register user acl) -
Maverick replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 9 at 7:52 pm
1. I am sorry, I couldn't follow what you are asking. can you please elaborate? 2. Make sure you have created CjBlog User Layout menu item and set appropriate access 3 These are not hardcoded strings, must be coming from your language file. if not present add below strings in your language file. COM_CJBLOG_FILL_BASIC_DETAILS="Fill basic details"COM_CJBLOG_FORM_EDIT_ARTICLE="Edit Article" -
master replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 9 at 7:17 pm
1. all categories have public access btw user see all of them and can choose any category but if i public article without changing category to blog article not displayed in blogs list. is it possible hide all exclude categories 2. and why when user try open in hin accoubt - "my blogs" he receive error 403? how to fix that? -
Maverick replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 9 at 5:38 pm
CjBlog content plugin adds additional features to the Joomla articles like triggering events when an article created/read, adds header and footer to the article etc. -
jean roucas replied to the topic Exclude Categories not work.
January 9 at 5:10 pm
Hi, Maverick could you explain please ? I searh to filter category listing in article layout and i thinked that the content cjblog plugins option did it. Thanks.