Birol Kuru replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 8 at 7:28 pm -
Maverick replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 8 at 6:31 pm
ok, i install the package, its work, but the new topic message in activity stream not work Did you tried creating a new topic again? what do you mean with website details, mean you the website url? yes -
Birol Kuru replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 8 at 6:28 pm
ok, i install the package, its work, but the new topic message in activity stream not work what do you mean with website details, mean you the website url? -
Maverick replied to the topic IOS (iPad/iPhone), star rating questions not working.
March 8 at 6:18 pm
Unfortunately I could not reproduce this issue with multiple ipad emulators. So I must check this only on ipad. Rather I chose to replace jQuery raty plugin with jQuery bar rating. Hopefully this will not have same issue because this plugin has native bootstrap based rating function. -
Maverick replied to the topic Need Username only.
March 8 at 6:15 pm
I am not sure I have your website details now. I sent you the packages to your email, please install them. -
Maverick replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 8 at 6:13 pm
I sent you one package can you please install it and check? For css related issue, please send me your website details so that I can check and advise. -
Maverick replied to the topic Blog Articles Not Showing when Clicked on?.
March 8 at 6:09 pm
That's the article page the url page takes you to. So the content plugins for sure be executed. - Disable them and see if page loads. - If yes, then enable one by one to see which one cause the issue- If no, then it may be be because of one of your system plugins, follow same procedure above. -
Maverick replied to the topic cjBlog Month by Month Archive?.
March 8 at 6:07 pm
Of course it will be part of next release. -
Maverick replied to the topic My Templates Blog Header Not Showing Throughout Blog?.
March 8 at 6:05 pm
Whatever the menu item you are pointing has alias iksh-blog. Please note that urls will refer to aliases in their name to detect which menu they belong to. In your case your url is which refers to blog menu item alias. -
Maverick replied to the topic Survey is not sending.
March 8 at 6:02 pm
All right, I sent you one file, can you please install it? After installation you need to remove cached pdf files in media/com_communitysurveys/attachments/responses folder so that the component can recreate them. -
Maverick replied to the topic Can not open responses.
March 8 at 5:53 pm
That's correct, it should actually go to response. Will fix in next release. For now please access survey reports from reports section. Go to Surveys page and click on view link in reports column. Now click on view all responses link. In this page you can see all responses. Click on response id link to view response. -
Maverick replied to the topic URL to survey Details from respons E-Mail does not work.
March 8 at 5:51 pm
Can you please forward me the email so that I can try? -
Maverick replied to the topic URL to the Image send by survey.
March 8 at 5:49 pm
You are checking media/com_communitysurveys/images folder. Please check the one I mentioned. -
Birol Kuru replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 8 at 4:18 pm
the activity does not appear in the stream reale name und user name I have set only username and this problen is come when i select the Default Layout - BS3 in back-end this prblem have in Community - Polls/Quotes and Forum and this the image on your demopage, its perfect:) What should I do. so it looks like? or at least it is just -
Birol Kuru replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 8 at 3:53 pm
yes, version 1.2.0 -
Robert Stones created new topic Blog Articles Not Showing when Clicked on?.
March 8 at 1:30 pm
Mav, Try and click on any of the test blog articles within this link... as it just loads in to a blank white page but with no error reporting, so I'm still missing something in the config but reading your documentation, through this forum and generally poking around in various areas of the admin backend... I can't seem to solve this particular issue. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, -
Robert Stones replied to the topic cjBlog Month by Month Archive?.
March 8 at 11:15 am
Mav, Ah ok, cool. So just to make sure, as this is an additional 'mod' what will happen when you make an update to the main cjblog component, will you make the archive module also updated for ALL cjblog users, to assure compatibility or maybe you look to include these kind of 'additions' in to the core cjblog at each next main update to the component? Great work and thanks. Regards, -
Robert Stones replied to the topic Tags Module Not Retaining Settings....
March 8 at 11:13 am
OK no worries Mav, I will for now make do with the cjblog's in-built tags feature in the blogs header bar anyway. Regards, -
Robert Stones replied to the topic My Templates Blog Header Not Showing Throughout Blog?.
March 8 at 11:11 am
Maverick wrote: I don't see any menu item with alias "blog" (your third url). And obviously the header module is not assigned to this unknown menu item. Mav, Im not sure if this is correct or that we are thinking the same thing but if you look at the attached screenshot, I'm not using my 'mainmenu' at present and this cjblog I'm testing is currently on my 'kraken theme' menu, which is in effect my 'coming soon' holding site section... I'm working on my 'mainmenu' main website behind the scenes. Therefore, I believe I do have the blog item / alias in place and live - can you please confirm which one of us is misunderstanding, so we can move forward to finding the solution with this specific issue please. :) Regards, -
Robert Stones replied to the topic Error 1054 cjblog when selecting easyprofile.
March 8 at 11:05 am
Mav, That is incredibly weird, as yesterday I noticed / twigged the same incorrect alias naming, so I deleted the about_organisation and emptied the trash can that ended up in, then created a new easyprofile about-us... to then find via you looking through it, that about_organisation was still in place when ... oh well, I must be going mad. Thanks anyway, I've stuck with about_organisation and that element of it now works. Regards,