Scott Maches replied to the topic survey invite emailing on its own.
March 19 at 11:47 pm
Could yo uexplain this further? - "Please note that the emails will be sent when someone visit front-end component by default " Are you saying that everytime I go into the survey iteself I am sending an invite for others to do the survey or are you saying that everytime I open the survey to work on it an invite goes out? These invites could not have been sent in the past. This is the first survey I have set up in this environment. I'll do more research on this end and consult wih a friend who knows more about joomla than I do. Thanks! -
Maverick replied to the topic survey invite emailing on its own.
March 19 at 10:50 pm
Please remove /administrator part in that url before sending it in email. If you are receiving invites, means you must have added the invites to queue. Please note that the emails will be sent when someone visit front-end component by default (unless you have configured automatic cron url). So I believe these invites must have sent some time in the past and they are now being sent when you are accessing component on front-end. There is no way the component send invites to anyone automatically. -
Scott Maches replied to the topic survey invite emailing on its own.
March 19 at 10:01 pm
I will try to rephrase the issue, I am sure I wasn't that clear. On our production server, I have built a survey. When it is complete, I will be sending out a global survey url to our users. I have used the global survey url to test the survey about five times while I was building it. What I am seeing is that I am now receiving invites to take the survey in my email, even though I never used the invite users or groups feature. The url in the email invite is as follows: It is not the correct url anyway. I do have email notifications for receiving responses turned on within global configurations. Would that cause these emails to go out? I do not need to get the responses via email, so if turning that off would make this stop, I have no problem doing that. Also, I have noticed that unique survey urls have been built over the last few days, even though I never used that feature as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -
Maverick replied to the topic survey invite emailing on its own.
March 19 at 9:35 pm
I am sorry but I do not understand situation. The invites will go from whatever the website you create from. Please note that the email configuration you have setup in Global Configuration is used to send emails. If you have setup your production email server in test site, that could be wrong. -
Scott Maches created new topic survey invite emailing on its own.
March 19 at 9:31 pm
I built a public survey which I have on a hidden menu. I want to send my users one link within out internal newsletter that will take them directly to the survey. What I am now seeing is that an email invite is being sent out to our team, stating that I have created a new survey and inviting them to take it. I have never setup an email invite to a survey in this environment. I have on our test environment, but not in production, which is where this invite is coming from. What steps can I take to make this stop? Thanks! Scott -
William Matson said thank you to Maverick for his/her reply to the topic Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points.
March 19 at 7:25 pm
Yes. The API usually don't change, so doesn't matter when it was last released. Whenever there are API changes, the code will be usually updated in less time. Besides most of the API calls are handled by CjLib component which has last update on a week ago. -
Maverick replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 19 at 6:13 pm
Can you please update CjForum v1.3.0? -
Maverick replied to the topic Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points.
March 19 at 6:07 pm
Yes. The API usually don't change, so doesn't matter when it was last released. Whenever there are API changes, the code will be usually updated in less time. -
Gregory Valentin replied to the topic Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in.
March 19 at 2:34 am
Hello, I too am having this same error. It shows up when I go to read or create a topic. I just installed a fresh copy of Joomla as well as the software cjforum. Here is my error Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /home3/ab36918/public_html/ on line 45 -
William Matson replied to the topic Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points.
March 18 at 11:09 pm
Is CjBlog and plugins fully compatible with the latest version of JomSocial? The release dates preceed the JS4.1 release by quite a long time. Thanks -
Maverick replied to the topic Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points.
March 18 at 6:34 pm
You can configure points system straight away, just select JomSocial as point system in component options and install rules in your JomSocial. For badges you can use CjBlog. Its free component. However CjBlog is not just badge system but rather a blog system as well. So choose it if you need all those features of it. -
William Matson created new topic Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points.
March 18 at 6:07 am
I need to configure CQ to award points and badges for successfully completed quizzes. I cannot find any instructions how to do this. I am suing JS 4.1 My CQ situation: 4 Levels (1 master category -- 4 sub-categories) of quizzes Level 1: 1 quiz, 10 questions Level 2: 3 quizzes, 10 questions/quiz (30 questions total) Level 3: 3 quizzes, 10 questions/quiz (30 questions total) Level 4: 3 quizzes, 10 questions/quiz (30 questions total) For each successfully completed quiz, the member is awarded a fixed number of JomSocial User Points -- varies by level For each Level that is completed, the member is awarded a badge. The badges earned will appear on their profile. How can this be accomplished? Do I need to purchase an additional component to make this work? I see a reference to your CjBlog component and an integrated Badge award system. Is this what I need to purchase? Thanks for your assistance -
Meagan Hooper replied to the topic Permissions problem.
March 17 at 11:17 pm
Our captcha/recaptcha is properly configured. It is displayed during the process of entering the comment. See attached screenshot. The permissions are set for allowing answers. Please see attached screenshot. You have already accessed our site to resolve another permissions problem, so not sure what else could have gone wrong during installation. -
Maverick replied to the topic Permissions problem.
March 17 at 8:41 pm
Following are possibilities. 1. You have not configured reCaptcha plugin. It is mandatory for guest user posts. 2. You hav enot given create/answer permission -
Meagan Hooper replied to the topic Permissions problem.
March 17 at 2:15 pm
Hello Maverick. I see that you have made some changes to our site. Thank You. The one remaining issue is that when a guest user answers a question they receive an error: Save not permitted. I have set the permissions to allow Public to View Questions, View Answers and Answer. I also have Moderate Answers set to Allow. Can you tell me why the guest user cannot submit an answer? -
Meagan Hooper replied to the topic Moderate Questions [SOLVED].
March 17 at 2:09 pm
Can you clarify this? What is the proper setting for a user group where I want their questions and anwers to be moderated? -
Meagan Hooper replied to the topic Registered User posting answer, Error save not permitted.
March 17 at 2:06 pm
Where?? Jack wrote: Hi, sorry should have done a search first. I found the answer. -
Frank Uhlig replied to the topic Show page titles of survey.
March 17 at 12:04 pm
Maverick replied to the topic Error Class 'SurveyPagination' not found.
March 16 at 8:30 pm
Please update to latest version.